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Step by Step Vietnam

di Adam Bray

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Step-by-Step Vietnam is a brand new guide to this exciting country, revealed through a selection of clearly laid-out walks and tours, complemented by beautiful, full-color pictures, an authoritative narrative voice, and a wealth of practical information, all in a compact package. The guide starts with Recommended Tours, suggesting the book's best tours for taking in architecture, beaches, and war history, or just getting off the beaten track. In the Overview, an engaging introduction reveals essential background information on Vietnamese culture, geography, lifestyle and traditions, plus the lowdown on food, drink, shopping, entertainment, history and the country's lively festivals. This provides all the background information needed to set the walks and tours in context. The Walks and Tours section features 16 irresistible self-guided routes, starting with two tours exploring dynamic Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) in the south of the country and finishing with a boat trip around Halong Bay in the north. En route, there is a variety of walking, driving, motorbike, and taxi tours which show step by step how to get the most out of the destination, with something for every budget, taste and trip length. All tours have clear, easy-to-follow maps, hand-picked places to eat and drink en route, great insider tips and informative feature boxes. All this makes it simple for the reader to find the perfect tour for the time they have to spare. The final section of the book is the Directory, incorporating a user-friendly, fact-packed A to Z of practical information, plus select hotel, restaurant and nightlife listings, which will lead the reader to the best that Vietnam has to offer.… (altro)
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Step-by-Step Vietnam is a brand new guide to this exciting country, revealed through a selection of clearly laid-out walks and tours, complemented by beautiful, full-color pictures, an authoritative narrative voice, and a wealth of practical information, all in a compact package. The guide starts with Recommended Tours, suggesting the book's best tours for taking in architecture, beaches, and war history, or just getting off the beaten track. In the Overview, an engaging introduction reveals essential background information on Vietnamese culture, geography, lifestyle and traditions, plus the lowdown on food, drink, shopping, entertainment, history and the country's lively festivals. This provides all the background information needed to set the walks and tours in context. The Walks and Tours section features 16 irresistible self-guided routes, starting with two tours exploring dynamic Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) in the south of the country and finishing with a boat trip around Halong Bay in the north. En route, there is a variety of walking, driving, motorbike, and taxi tours which show step by step how to get the most out of the destination, with something for every budget, taste and trip length. All tours have clear, easy-to-follow maps, hand-picked places to eat and drink en route, great insider tips and informative feature boxes. All this makes it simple for the reader to find the perfect tour for the time they have to spare. The final section of the book is the Directory, incorporating a user-friendly, fact-packed A to Z of practical information, plus select hotel, restaurant and nightlife listings, which will lead the reader to the best that Vietnam has to offer.

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