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Taken (Joe Pike Book 4) di Robert Crais
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Taken (Joe Pike Book 4) (originale 2012; edizione 2012)

di Robert Crais

Serie: Joe Pike (4), Elvis Cole (15)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,0223921,020 (3.86)21
When the police tell a wealthy industrialist that her missing son has faked his own kidnapping, she hires Elvis Cole and Joe Pike-and Cole soon determines that it was no fake. The boy and his secret girlfriend have been taken, and are now lost in the gray and changing world of the professional border kidnappers who prey not only on innocent victims but also on one another-buying, selling, and stealing victims like commodities. Fortunately, the kidnappers don't yet know who the boy is, but when Cole goes undercover to try to buy the two hostages back, he himself is taken and disappears. Now it is up to Pike to retrace Cole's steps, burning through the hard and murderous world of human traffickers ... before it is too late.… (altro)
Titolo:Taken (Joe Pike Book 4)
Autori:Robert Crais
Info:Berkley (2012), Edition: Reprint, Kindle Edition, 432 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Deserto di sangue di Robert Crais (2012)

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» Vedi le 21 citazioni

I really love Robert Crais. One of the few authors I would gladly read several novels a year. Cole and Pike are the best mystery team duo out there right now. Quick read but you will live the ride. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
Why do I always wait so long to do my reviews, dang. This one was good. A little out of the Elvis Cole/Joe Pike realm as it was told from so many different POVs. But as always a great read. ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
recommended ( )
  sgwordy | Dec 31, 2022 |
Cuando Nita Morales contrata a Elvis Cole para que encuentre a su hija desaparecida, no se muestra demasiado preocupada, aunque ya ha recibido una llamada en la que se le pide un rescate. Está segura de que se trata de un engaño, de que su hija se ha marchado voluntariamente con el que ella solo llama «ese chico» y de que necesitan el dinero: «Hasta las chicas más listas hacen estupideces, cuando creen que un chico las quiere». Sin embargo, Nita se equivoca. La joven y su novio han sido secuestrados por bajadores, criminales que atacan a otros criminales, profesionales que no solo actúan contra inocentes sino contra otros de su misma calaña. Roban drogas, armas y personas y compran y venden a sus víctimas como si se tratara de objetos. Aquellos que no les reportan beneficios son asesinados sin más. Elvis Cole y Joe Pike encontrarán el lugar donde los secuestraron. Hay marcas de neumáticos, casquillos de balas y manchas de sangre. Las cosas no podrían estar peor, pero ellos también se equivocarán. De incógnito, su intención es encontrar a la pareja y comprarlos, pero entonces Cole también será secuestrado y solo quedará Pike para seguir su rastro, atravesando un mundo de asesinos sin conciencia ni piedad.
  Natt90 | Nov 7, 2022 |
A fast paced story which, if it weren't so bloody and have an awful premise at its heart, would almost be a fluffy adventure story.

Elvis Cole is hired by a distraught mother whose daughter has gone missing. At first it seems a simple case of two crazy kids running off for the weekend until Cole and his friend Joe Pike find evidence that Crista Morales and her boyfriend, M. Jack Burton, have been kidnapped by bajadores. (Bajadores are predators who prey on other predators - kidnapping people sneaking up through the border and using them as a way to make money, then killing those people when the source of funds dries up. Nasty people.)

Soon Elvis himself is in trouble and it's up to Joe Pike and others to not only track down Elvis, the kids and other missing people, but bring down the whole operation in a hale of bullets and blood. Yeah, this is a very bloody book.

Good car reading though. ( )
  fuzzipueo | Apr 24, 2022 |
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Cut you,
I bleed.
Our name is love. - Tattooed Beach Sluts
Jiminy Cricket: Hey, where ya going'?
Pinocchio: I'm going to find him!
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for Aaron Priest more than an agent my good and trusted friend with love
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Jack Berman wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, Krista Morales, and watched his breath fog in the cold desert air.
Ultime parole
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
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ISBN 1423375645 is an unabridged audiobook.
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When the police tell a wealthy industrialist that her missing son has faked his own kidnapping, she hires Elvis Cole and Joe Pike-and Cole soon determines that it was no fake. The boy and his secret girlfriend have been taken, and are now lost in the gray and changing world of the professional border kidnappers who prey not only on innocent victims but also on one another-buying, selling, and stealing victims like commodities. Fortunately, the kidnappers don't yet know who the boy is, but when Cole goes undercover to try to buy the two hostages back, he himself is taken and disappears. Now it is up to Pike to retrace Cole's steps, burning through the hard and murderous world of human traffickers ... before it is too late.

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Media: (3.86)
1 2
2 11
2.5 6
3 44
3.5 27
4 136
4.5 17
5 45

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