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What the Bible Says about Love Marriage & Sex: The Song of Solomon

di David Jeremiah

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Whether its characters have warts or beauty marks, the Bible holds up the mirror to show life as it really is. Because it is a book on redemption, it is teeming with examples of missing the mark. But the Bible is also filled with portraits of beauty and excellence. On the theme of love, marriage, and sex nothing else written rivals the masterpiece from the king of Israel, the Song of Solomon. Whether you are married or single, you will get an eye-opening and heart-changing look at the glory of human partnership from heaven's perspective. The Song of Solomon was given to God's people regardless of their marital state as a guide to human passion set in a holy place--a place of love, commitment, and sharing. If ever the world needed a refresher on the power, promise, and passion of marital love, the time is now--and Song of Solomon is the book. Principles of loving for a lifetime pop from every page. With unabashed candor and unfettered access, Solomon tells the world's most beautiful story of marital courtship and consummation, the ups as well as the downs of two becoming one.… (altro)
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Whether its characters have warts or beauty marks, the Bible holds up the mirror to show life as it really is. Because it is a book on redemption, it is teeming with examples of missing the mark. But the Bible is also filled with portraits of beauty and excellence. On the theme of love, marriage, and sex nothing else written rivals the masterpiece from the king of Israel, the Song of Solomon. Whether you are married or single, you will get an eye-opening and heart-changing look at the glory of human partnership from heaven's perspective. The Song of Solomon was given to God's people regardless of their marital state as a guide to human passion set in a holy place--a place of love, commitment, and sharing. If ever the world needed a refresher on the power, promise, and passion of marital love, the time is now--and Song of Solomon is the book. Principles of loving for a lifetime pop from every page. With unabashed candor and unfettered access, Solomon tells the world's most beautiful story of marital courtship and consummation, the ups as well as the downs of two becoming one.

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