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Atlas of Immunology, Third Edition

di Julius M. Cruse MD PhD

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In the 11 years since this atlas first published, the immunology field has experienced an exponential increase in information. Besides the unprecedented advances in knowledge of cell receptors and signal transduction pathways, an avalanche of new information has been gleaned from contemporary research concerning cytokines and chemokines, with special reference to their structure and function. Visually Enhances Definitions in the Language of Immunology Now with more than 1300 illustrations, Atlas of Immunology, Third Edition is the most thorough and up-to-date treatment of essentially all concepts needed to comprehend the complex science of immunology. Completely revised and expanded, this third edition features: Hundreds of new illustrations Two new chapters ¿ Immunophenotyping of Hematopoietic Malignances and Immunomodulators An expanded chapter on the history of immunology Additional human CD markers Written in a highly readable, two-column format, this complete reference covers a wide array of subjects, with content ranging from photographs of field pioneers to illustrations of molecular structures of recently characterized cell receptors, chemokines, and cytokines. The atlas also addresses the major histocompatability complex molecules, immunoglobulins, hematopoietic cells in leukemia, and molecules of related interest to immunologists. You won¿t find another publication anywhere that matches the breadth or detail of illustrated immunological concepts.… (altro)
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In the 11 years since this atlas first published, the immunology field has experienced an exponential increase in information. Besides the unprecedented advances in knowledge of cell receptors and signal transduction pathways, an avalanche of new information has been gleaned from contemporary research concerning cytokines and chemokines, with special reference to their structure and function. Visually Enhances Definitions in the Language of Immunology Now with more than 1300 illustrations, Atlas of Immunology, Third Edition is the most thorough and up-to-date treatment of essentially all concepts needed to comprehend the complex science of immunology. Completely revised and expanded, this third edition features: Hundreds of new illustrations Two new chapters ¿ Immunophenotyping of Hematopoietic Malignances and Immunomodulators An expanded chapter on the history of immunology Additional human CD markers Written in a highly readable, two-column format, this complete reference covers a wide array of subjects, with content ranging from photographs of field pioneers to illustrations of molecular structures of recently characterized cell receptors, chemokines, and cytokines. The atlas also addresses the major histocompatability complex molecules, immunoglobulins, hematopoietic cells in leukemia, and molecules of related interest to immunologists. You won¿t find another publication anywhere that matches the breadth or detail of illustrated immunological concepts.

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