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A Picture Book of Amelia Earhart (Picture…
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A Picture Book of Amelia Earhart (Picture Book Biography) (edizione 2018)

di David A. Adler (Autore), Jeff Fisher (Illustratore)

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Discusses the life of the pilot who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic by herself in a plane.
Titolo:A Picture Book of Amelia Earhart (Picture Book Biography)
Autori:David A. Adler (Autore)
Altri autori:Jeff Fisher (Illustratore)
Info:Holiday House (2018), Edition: Reprint, 32 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Biography (Ages 5-8)

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A Picture Book of Amelia Earhart di David A. Adler

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Independent Reading Level: Ages 5-8
Awards: None at this time.
  LelandWarnack | Apr 11, 2024 |
This story presents Amelia Earhart in a way that I had never heard of before. It describes her and her sister as wearing pants instead of dresses and essentially not conforming to the expectations of gender at her time. She was obsessed with airplanes during the war where she worked as a nurse. She had crash landed several times while learning to fly. The images in this book have a water color look to them. Please note that this is a somewhat longer picture book, but was very informative. ( )
  Bambi882 | Oct 19, 2020 |
I enjoyed this story about Amelia Earhart because it provided a lot of information about her life. It talks about her childhood in Canada and after World War 1 Amelia decided be a nurse's aid to help soldiers. Later on in life she went to an air show that inspired her to become a pilot. I really liked this story because it gave a lot of information about Amelia and could be used many ways in my classroom. I could use this while teaching history and while talking about airplanes. Great read! ( )
  laurynrohde | Jan 17, 2018 |
Amelia Earhart was raised with her sister in a very wealthy family. Both girls were tomboys. Amelia and her sister spent time in Canada where they witnessed soldiers returning from World War I. Seeing the horrible after effects of the war and the toll it took on the men, Amelia quit school to become a nurse's aide to care for the veterans. After the war, she studied Automobile Engine Repair. Amelia attended her first air show and paid $1 for an airplane ride. That this moment she was hooked, and immediately took flying lessons. Shortly there after she bought her first plane! In 1928, she became the first women to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as a co-passenger. Her popularity soared and she began giving speeches against war and for the rights of women. In 1932, Amelia Earhart flew across the Atlantic Ocean again, only this time she was the pilot and went alone. She later became the first to fly alone across both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In 1937, she attempted to fly around the world visiting several countries. After flying more than three-fourths around the world, on July 2nd they started the last leg of their journey, but never made it. Amelia Earhart and her navigator disappeared somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. ( )
  CKISSINGER | Jan 24, 2017 |
I liked this book for many reasons. First the language used in the book was appropriate for the younger audience that this book would attract. Any word that is a larger vocabulary word is defines or clearly explained to the reader or audience. The illustrations help the reader or audience paint a visual picture of what is going on in the story and allow for the readers to make connections with the text that they might not have made without the pictures. The development of Amelia Earhart through the story was essential because the readers were able to follow her as she grows into an adult. The readers were also able to understand how difficult it was for a female to be a pilot during this time period. The big idea or message of this story is that it is important to be persistent despite the odds or if people tell you you can't. ( )
  rbiegel | Apr 18, 2016 |
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David A. Adlerautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Fisher, JeffIllustratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato

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Discusses the life of the pilot who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic by herself in a plane.

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