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Milano. Diamante

di Paolo Roversi

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Discover the secrets behind the city of fashion and opera. The mysteries and legends of Milan are unveiled through the interactive pages of the WhaiWhai guidebook: an unconventional guide for tourists and travelers who are looking for an out-of-the-ordinary experience. In the WhaiWhai guidebook series, readers will experience an interactive treasure hunt through six cities, unlocking their mysteries and discovering their most charming corners. To play, all you need is the WhaiWhai guide and a mobile phone. Send a text message to WhaiWhai that includes a special code and immediately receive your first clue. As you travel to each new location throughout the city, a new clue is revealed. Each city has a different treasure, and finding it will be an exciting experience. WhaiWhai combines history and fantasy, allowing readers to step into a story that plays out inside the city, sparking their curiosity and making them the hero of an adventure. In Milan: The Diamond--before starting his campaign against the French, Ludovico il Moro, lord of Milan, entrusts his treasure into the hands of his brother Ascanio and of some friends of his. Ludovico gives orders to pawn his jewels to gather the money necessary to support the war. The fabulous diamond called Lupo, worth twelve-thousand ducats, is pawned with the moneylender Giovanni Beolco together with the other jewels. Presently the diamond exhibited in a private collection, is stolen by a cunning robber. Milan police are after him. Here begins a sort of challenge between the robber and the policemen in and around the streets and the most renown places in town, haunted by the dark lady who dwells among the Cathedral spires and by the night ghosts of the Castello Sforzesco, by the Porta Venezia dragon and by the mysteries flourishing around the arch of the Vittorio Emanuele Gallery.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daxlthlx, grahame262A, AlbyVintage, lafranzine
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Discover the secrets behind the city of fashion and opera. The mysteries and legends of Milan are unveiled through the interactive pages of the WhaiWhai guidebook: an unconventional guide for tourists and travelers who are looking for an out-of-the-ordinary experience. In the WhaiWhai guidebook series, readers will experience an interactive treasure hunt through six cities, unlocking their mysteries and discovering their most charming corners. To play, all you need is the WhaiWhai guide and a mobile phone. Send a text message to WhaiWhai that includes a special code and immediately receive your first clue. As you travel to each new location throughout the city, a new clue is revealed. Each city has a different treasure, and finding it will be an exciting experience. WhaiWhai combines history and fantasy, allowing readers to step into a story that plays out inside the city, sparking their curiosity and making them the hero of an adventure. In Milan: The Diamond--before starting his campaign against the French, Ludovico il Moro, lord of Milan, entrusts his treasure into the hands of his brother Ascanio and of some friends of his. Ludovico gives orders to pawn his jewels to gather the money necessary to support the war. The fabulous diamond called Lupo, worth twelve-thousand ducats, is pawned with the moneylender Giovanni Beolco together with the other jewels. Presently the diamond exhibited in a private collection, is stolen by a cunning robber. Milan police are after him. Here begins a sort of challenge between the robber and the policemen in and around the streets and the most renown places in town, haunted by the dark lady who dwells among the Cathedral spires and by the night ghosts of the Castello Sforzesco, by the Porta Venezia dragon and by the mysteries flourishing around the arch of the Vittorio Emanuele Gallery.

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