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The Weaving Book di Helene Bress
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The Weaving Book (edizione 2009)

di Helene Bress

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This edition of The Weaving Book is slightly revised from the original 1981 version. Technical issues required us to scan the original photographs for this edition. We took this opportunity to adjust the look of the photographs, make them larger and to rearrange some pages. The text was retyped and small corrections were made. In a single, beautifully illustrated volume, The Weaving Book explores thousands of variations of five of the basic weaves: plain weave, twill, overshot, monk's belt, and huck. With a concentration on four-harness weaving, each of the basic weaves is first shown in its simplest forms and then in both lesser-known and new variations, providing nearly 3,000 patterns in detailed photos, drafts, and treadling orders. No other volume on weaving contains as vast an assortment of weaving patterns as The Weaving Book. It will provide thousands of ideas for both intermediate and advanced weavers.… (altro)
Titolo:The Weaving Book
Autori:Helene Bress
Info:Flower Valley Press (2009), Hardcover, 548 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Weaving Book: Patterns and Ideas di Helene Bress

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Extensively explores five basic weaves: plain weave, twill, overshot, monk's belt, and huck. It provides thousands of ideas for the intermediate to advanced weaver.
  HGC_Library | Sep 20, 2023 |
Extensively explores five basic weaves: plain weave, twill, overshot, monk's belt, and huck. It provides thousands of ideas for the intermediate to advanced weaver.
  HGBV | Apr 26, 2016 |
  WGOKC | Jan 23, 2021 |
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This edition of The Weaving Book is slightly revised from the original 1981 version. Technical issues required us to scan the original photographs for this edition. We took this opportunity to adjust the look of the photographs, make them larger and to rearrange some pages. The text was retyped and small corrections were made. In a single, beautifully illustrated volume, The Weaving Book explores thousands of variations of five of the basic weaves: plain weave, twill, overshot, monk's belt, and huck. With a concentration on four-harness weaving, each of the basic weaves is first shown in its simplest forms and then in both lesser-known and new variations, providing nearly 3,000 patterns in detailed photos, drafts, and treadling orders. No other volume on weaving contains as vast an assortment of weaving patterns as The Weaving Book. It will provide thousands of ideas for both intermediate and advanced weavers.

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