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Hexed (Iron Druid Chronicles) di Kevin…
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Hexed (Iron Druid Chronicles) (edizione 2011)

di Kevin Hearne (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
2,0291238,385 (4.02)118
Atticus O'Sullivan, last of the Druids, doesn't care much for witches. Still, he's about to make nice with the local coven by signing a mutually beneficial nonaggression treaty when suddenly the witch population in modern-day Tempe, Arizona, quadruples overnight. And the new girls are not just bad, they're badasses with a dark history on the German side of World War II. With a fallen angel feasting on local high school students, a horde of Bacchants blowing in from Vegas with their special brand of deadly decadence, and a dangerously sexy Celtic goddess of fire vying for his attention, Atticus is having trouble scheduling the witch hunt. But aided by his magical sword, his neighbor's rocket-propelled grenade launcher, and his vampire attorney, Atticus is ready to sweep the town and show the witchy women they picked up the wrong Druid to hex.--From back cover.… (altro)
Titolo:Hexed (Iron Druid Chronicles)
Autori:Kevin Hearne (Autore)
Info:Orbit (2011), 320 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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Hexed di Kevin Hearne

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» Vedi le 118 citazioni

Inglese (119)  Norvegese (1)  Tedesco (1)  Polacco (1)  Tutte le lingue (122)
1-5 di 122 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
Every time I start this book I decide to read the first again. ( )
  Sporkles | Jun 29, 2024 |
Second in the series. Like the previous one, don't try to think about it too much...just be entertained by the dialogue and characters. The plot is a bit scattered and episodic; parts of the story seem to just be there to set up the next book. ( )
  daplz | Apr 7, 2024 |
Funny. Love the dog.
  zjakkelien | Jan 2, 2024 |
Irish wolfhound
Irish Grandmother (A fiesty one at that)
Celtic gods

what else is there not to love ( )
  jdesjardins | Oct 9, 2023 |
Atticus teams up with his new partners the Polish Witches (whaaatt??) to take on some German Witches. Oberon earns belly rubs and treats. Seriously, this book was a lot of fun and went quick - I was done with it before I knew it! (I don't think that's a complaint?) ( )
  KrakenTamer | Sep 5, 2022 |
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Kevin Hearneautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Daniels, LukeNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Mollica, GeneImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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For my father, who never saw these books in print, but at least left us knowing his son had achieved his dream
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Turns out that when you kill a god, people want to talk to you.
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (3)

Atticus O'Sullivan, last of the Druids, doesn't care much for witches. Still, he's about to make nice with the local coven by signing a mutually beneficial nonaggression treaty when suddenly the witch population in modern-day Tempe, Arizona, quadruples overnight. And the new girls are not just bad, they're badasses with a dark history on the German side of World War II. With a fallen angel feasting on local high school students, a horde of Bacchants blowing in from Vegas with their special brand of deadly decadence, and a dangerously sexy Celtic goddess of fire vying for his attention, Atticus is having trouble scheduling the witch hunt. But aided by his magical sword, his neighbor's rocket-propelled grenade launcher, and his vampire attorney, Atticus is ready to sweep the town and show the witchy women they picked up the wrong Druid to hex.--From back cover.

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Kevin Hearne è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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