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Shoplifitng and Robyn's a celebrity Robyn is a compulsive shoplifter - with a difference. Everything she steals, she donates to charity shops - then blogs about it. She doesn't need to steal, but shoplifting gives her a buzz like no other. Soon everybody's talking about the mystery blogger. At last Robyn has the fame she craves - but only one person knows who she really is, and he's sworn to secrecy... Will Robyn risk revealing her true identity - and can she stop shoplifting before she gets caught? AUTHOR: Hilary Freeman is an experienced journalist and agony aunt, working for newspapers, including The Times and Daily Mail, magazines and websites, as well as on TV and radio. She is currently the agony aunt for Sky. This is her second book. Her first novel, Loving Danny, was short listed for the Lancashire Children's Book of the Year Award. SELLING POINTS: *An exciting, unputdownable story with a totally contemporary setting *Explores issues of honesty and the effects of technology with a brilliantly light touch *Readers will identify with this ordinary teenager whose life gets out of control *Looks at the pros and cons of celebrity status and how worthwhile such status is *… (altro)
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Shoplifitng and Robyn's a celebrity Robyn is a compulsive shoplifter - with a difference. Everything she steals, she donates to charity shops - then blogs about it. She doesn't need to steal, but shoplifting gives her a buzz like no other. Soon everybody's talking about the mystery blogger. At last Robyn has the fame she craves - but only one person knows who she really is, and he's sworn to secrecy... Will Robyn risk revealing her true identity - and can she stop shoplifting before she gets caught? AUTHOR: Hilary Freeman is an experienced journalist and agony aunt, working for newspapers, including The Times and Daily Mail, magazines and websites, as well as on TV and radio. She is currently the agony aunt for Sky. This is her second book. Her first novel, Loving Danny, was short listed for the Lancashire Children's Book of the Year Award. SELLING POINTS: *An exciting, unputdownable story with a totally contemporary setting *Explores issues of honesty and the effects of technology with a brilliantly light touch *Readers will identify with this ordinary teenager whose life gets out of control *Looks at the pros and cons of celebrity status and how worthwhile such status is *

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