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Hey! Who's Having This Baby Anyway?

di Breck Hawk

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In this important book, Breck Hawk explains how pregnant women can avoid the sometimes serious repercussions caused by unnecessary labor drugs and medical interventions. Hey! Who's Having This Baby Anyway? begins with the Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities so that moms-to-be understand how they can remain involved in their own care. The author then presents information on the types of available caregivers, labor medications, natural remedies, complementary methods of pregnancy and labor, home birth, water birth, birth plans, and breastfeeding. Several chapters close with helpful workbook pages for those readers who learn best by doing. A concluding chapter presents a compilation of women's childbearing experiences. Finally, lists of helpful books and websites point the way to further information and guidance. Hey! gives power back to moms-to-be, showing them not only how they can make themselves heard, but also how they can take control of their birth experience.… (altro)
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In this important book, Breck Hawk explains how pregnant women can avoid the sometimes serious repercussions caused by unnecessary labor drugs and medical interventions. Hey! Who's Having This Baby Anyway? begins with the Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities so that moms-to-be understand how they can remain involved in their own care. The author then presents information on the types of available caregivers, labor medications, natural remedies, complementary methods of pregnancy and labor, home birth, water birth, birth plans, and breastfeeding. Several chapters close with helpful workbook pages for those readers who learn best by doing. A concluding chapter presents a compilation of women's childbearing experiences. Finally, lists of helpful books and websites point the way to further information and guidance. Hey! gives power back to moms-to-be, showing them not only how they can make themselves heard, but also how they can take control of their birth experience.

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