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Circle of Wonder: A Native American…
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Circle of Wonder: A Native American Christmas Story (originale 1994; edizione 1999)

di N. Scott Momaday (Autore)

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A mute Indian child has an extraordinary experience one Christmas when, following a figure who seems to be his beloved dead grandfather, he becomes part of a circle in which he, animals, nature, and all the world join in a moment of peace and good will.
Titolo:Circle of Wonder: A Native American Christmas Story
Autori:N. Scott Momaday (Autore)
Info:University of New Mexico Press (1999), 44 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Circle of Wonder: A Native American Christmas Story di N. Scott Momaday (1994)

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Interesting Christmas story in the Native American tradition. I think young children might have trouble understanding the symbolism in this one without some explanation, but I liked it. Colorful and interesting illustrations too. ( )
1 vota dukefan86 | May 29, 2013 |
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Age: Primary, Intermediate
Media: Chalk
Use: 1. Christmas lesson 2. Simply enjoy
Review: The book is compromised of characters and events that can easily be related to life. The reader can easily relate to the events of the boy celebrating Christmas. Yet, these events and characters are not real.
Character: One of the protaginist characters, the Grandfather is a flat character. We learn very little about him. What the reader does learn about him is gathered from information given by both the author and the Grandson. ( )
  whelikson09 | Mar 5, 2012 |
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This book is dedicated to my granddaughter, Skye.
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Circle of Wonder centers upon a world that is so dear to me as to be engraved on my memory forever.
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A mute Indian child has an extraordinary experience one Christmas when, following a figure who seems to be his beloved dead grandfather, he becomes part of a circle in which he, animals, nature, and all the world join in a moment of peace and good will.

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