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The Most Evil Men and Women in History di…
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The Most Evil Men and Women in History (edizione 2002)

di Miranda Twiss (Autore)

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2971091,933 (3.07)3
Evil is a fact of life. We can see it, not only in the reigns of Stalin and Hitler, but also in everyday crimes like murder, rape and assault -- quite apart from the millions of lives brutalized by political or religious oppression, poverty, disease and starvation...
Titolo:The Most Evil Men and Women in History
Autori:Miranda Twiss (Autore)
Info:Barnes & Noble Books (2002), Edition: 1st Edition., 189 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri

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The Most Evil Men and Women in History di Miranda Twiss

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This book is full of sadistic, psychotic killers, most of whom were unfortunately leaders of a country or some how important in society. There are 16 truly evil people in this book. Many of them are depraved, sick sociopaths whose number of killings reach the thousands and even millions. While reading about their evil deeds and their insane thoughts, I was thoroughly disgusted. Many of the leader of the countries had political ideas that were so stupid I couldn't believe that people actually followed them. Its hard to believe that psychos like these people existed and unfortunately still exist today. While the people disgusted me, I still liked the book. After all, even the author writes in her introduction, that evil is fascinating.

People in this book are
1. Caligula~ "The Schizophrenic Emperor"
2. Nero ~"Fifth Emperor of Rome"
3. Attila the Hun~ "The Storm from the East"
4. King John~ "A callous, Cold Hearted Monarch"
5. Torquemada~ "The Spanish Inquisitor"
6. Prince Vlad Dracula~ "The Impaler"
7. Francisco Pizzaro~ "Conqueror of the Incas"
8. Bloody Mary 1~ "A Catholic Queen in a Protestant Country"
9. Ivan IV, The Terrible~ "Tsar of all Russias
10. Elizabeth, Countess Bathory~ "Countess Dracula"
11. Rasputin~ "The Mad Monk who brought down a Dynasty"
12. Josef Stalin~ "A Twentieth Century Tyrant"
13. Adolf Hitler~ "The Father of the Final Solution"
14. Ilse Kock~ "The Bitch of Buchenwald"
15. Pol Pot~ "Architect of Genocide"
16. Idi Amin~ "The Butcher of East Africa"

This review is also posted on The Book Owl Extraordinaire
( )
  spantalian12 | Jan 10, 2014 |
This was an interesting book, the title pretty much sums it up. Basic run-downs of a handful of "most evil" folks from history. The choices were a bit subjective, and there wasn't tons of detail, but it provided a pretty accurate glimpse of a bunch of figures. Some of them I didn't really know anything about, so it did make me a little curious to learn more about them, since these were supposedly the "most evil" and all. ( )
  .Monkey. | Nov 4, 2013 |
subjective but still interesting ( )
  hadenajames | Oct 29, 2013 |
subjective but still interesting ( )
  hadenajames | Oct 29, 2013 |
A very fascinating read. Some of the editing was a bit shoddy ("they released their horses go and hid wagon wheels") in several places, but overall the voice of the piece was rather masterful.

The choice to include Bloody Mary didn't seem deserved from the book's standpoint; she's surrounded by people in the book whom had other's skinned alive, drawn and quartered, bled out, etc. yet her atrocities aren't really elaborated on. The extent of her "evilness" seems to be a (very minor) religious and political purging which, as is my understanding, was par for the course during that time. I would have preferred some more blatantly psychopathic and despicable people such as Mengele, Himmler or Ghengis Khan. ( )
  benuathanasia | Jan 13, 2012 |
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Introduction:Evil. 1. Morally wrong or bad; wicked: an evil ruler. 2. Causing harm or injury; harmful: and evil plan. 3. Marked or accompanied by misfortune; unlucky: an evil fate. 4. (Of temper, disposition, etc.) characterised by anger or spite. 5. Not in high esteem; infamous: an evil reputation. 6. Offensive or unpleasant: an evil smell. 7. The quality or an instance of being morally wrong; wickedness: the evil of war. 8. A force or power that brings about wickedness or harm: evil is strong in the world.
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
--John Dahlberg, First Baron Action,
letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, 3 April 1877
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The only unifying factor between the sixteen men and women who appear in these pages and the evil acts they committed is that they all wielded unlimited power over other people's lives.
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Evil is a fact of life. We can see it, not only in the reigns of Stalin and Hitler, but also in everyday crimes like murder, rape and assault -- quite apart from the millions of lives brutalized by political or religious oppression, poverty, disease and starvation...

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