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Building Wealth With Managed Futures

di Kim Avery

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4Nessuno3,516,283 (5)Nessuno
Building Wealth with Managed Futures is geared towards both the novice and experienced investor. Readers will be taken step by step through the process of analyzing and selecting professional managers known as Commodity Trading Advisors to trade the risk portion of their portfolio. Investors will learn why only small portion of their portfolio should be allocated to futures investing. They will also learn how to establish realistic investment goals and risk tolerance levels, how to analyze the performance record of a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) and how to develop and follow an exit strategy. Building Wealth with Managed Futures stresses the importance of working with the professional broker to assist investors in monitoring the daily trading activity of the CTA. Brokers will find that this is a great book to provide to clients interested in investing in managed futures.… (altro)
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Building Wealth with Managed Futures is geared towards both the novice and experienced investor. Readers will be taken step by step through the process of analyzing and selecting professional managers known as Commodity Trading Advisors to trade the risk portion of their portfolio. Investors will learn why only small portion of their portfolio should be allocated to futures investing. They will also learn how to establish realistic investment goals and risk tolerance levels, how to analyze the performance record of a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) and how to develop and follow an exit strategy. Building Wealth with Managed Futures stresses the importance of working with the professional broker to assist investors in monitoring the daily trading activity of the CTA. Brokers will find that this is a great book to provide to clients interested in investing in managed futures.

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