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Sto caricando le informazioni... Stephen King's N.di Marc Guggenheim
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Iscriviti per consentire a LibraryThing di scoprire se ti piacerà questo libro. Attualmente non vi sono conversazioni su questo libro. This one was an interesting piece. It is a graphic adaptation of a Stephen King short story of the same title. I have not read the short story, but this might make me want to read it. I have not read Stephen King in a while, and I tend to like his older stuff. However, this one is certainly worth reading. It is a good old tale of obsession and terror. It feels a lot like some of Kings vintage stuff so to speak. You will end up wondering as well if those ruins have 7 or 8 stones. And why do people who visit Ackerman's field commit suicide? Those are mysteries for the reader to unravel, if they can. The art is done very well, and I think it complements the story very nicely with a combination of photorealism and artifacts (letters, so on). Overall, this is one I was glad to pick up. If you like Stephen King, you will probably like this one too. Fans of horror, especially the more psychological or supernatural type will probably like this as well. Well, I wasn't much of a fan of this story when I first read it, but I decided to try it in this format anyway. Sad to say, my opinion didn't change much. It's a good looking graphic novel, but the story itself still doesn't do much for me. OCD, a portal to some evil force, and a vague H.P. Lovecraftian element just sort of leads no where. This graphic novel adds some things like N.'s name (which I didn't like) and some background/history (which I did). I also like the last page and it's openendedness. But the story of N. itself is just a meh, for me. *Book source ~ Library Ackerman’s Field. It should be a peaceful place of Nature, to sit and enjoy the view, have a picnic or toss a Frisbee about. But no. What is it about this particular place and why does it affect some people and not others? Real or delusions? Who’s brave enough to find out? Well, this isn’t creepy at all. I don’t read Stephen King. Ever. Or watch movies (except for the bits and pieces I’ve accidentally seen over the years) adapted from his books. Because heebie jeebies. But when I saw a graphic novel adapted from one of his short stories I thought to myself: “Self, this might be doable.” So I picked it up. The artwork is awesome. Very chilling. The story itself is eerie. I’m a bit confused by the ending, but overall this would be a decent addition to any horror aficionado’s repertoire. Especially one who likes graphic novels. nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione
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There is something unearthly and mysterious deep in Ackerman's Field in rural Maine. There is a Stonehenge-like arrangement of seven stones with a horrifying EYE in the center. And whatever dwells there in that strange, windswept setting may have brought about the suicide of one man...and harbor death for the OCD afflicted "N.", whose visits to the field have passed beyond compulsion into the realm of obsession. Based on the chilling short story from the recent Stephen King collection, JUST AFTER SUNSET, this adaptation will provide nightmares aplenty. Just keep counting the stones...keep counting...counting... COLLECTING: Stephen King's N. #1-4 Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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Google Books — Sto caricando le informazioni... GeneriSistema Decimale Melvil (DDC)741.5973The arts Graphic arts and decorative arts Drawing & drawings Cartoons, Caricatures, Comics History, geographic treatment, biography North American United States (General)Classificazione LCVotoMedia:
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