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Brompton Bicycle

di David Henshaw

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19Nessuno1,175,338 (3.5)Nessuno
Now in a fully updated 2nd edition, Brompton Bicycle tells the fascinating story behind one of the world's most unusual and popular folding bikes. It also details how you can modify and convert your Brompton for such uses as child carrying and tackling hilly country and acts as a unique maintenance and repair manual, full of tips you won't find in any standard bike repair book. In short, everything you need to enjoy this incredible bike to the full. The first edition was hugely popular with the legions of Brompton fans; the second edition contains an extra 32 pages, with a whole new chapter on where Brompton may be heading in the future plus new coverage of early folding bikes in the U.S., more detail on military use of folding bikes and, of course, the low-down on new products and company developments.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dajoergmatthaei, NicoT, Lozkelly, PDCRead, resus1uk
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Now in a fully updated 2nd edition, Brompton Bicycle tells the fascinating story behind one of the world's most unusual and popular folding bikes. It also details how you can modify and convert your Brompton for such uses as child carrying and tackling hilly country and acts as a unique maintenance and repair manual, full of tips you won't find in any standard bike repair book. In short, everything you need to enjoy this incredible bike to the full. The first edition was hugely popular with the legions of Brompton fans; the second edition contains an extra 32 pages, with a whole new chapter on where Brompton may be heading in the future plus new coverage of early folding bikes in the U.S., more detail on military use of folding bikes and, of course, the low-down on new products and company developments.

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