Seeking name of obscure inter-war Hungarian Cartoonist, memoirist...

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Seeking name of obscure inter-war Hungarian Cartoonist, memoirist...

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Giu 25, 2008, 7:17 pm

I've been alerted to a book written by an Hungarian memoirist (who may have been a cartoonist) which contains caricatures of National Socialist honchos amongst his illustrations. Specifically, two prominent revolutionist Sturmabteilung (SA) figures: Ernst Röhm and Edmund Heines.

The memoirist observed these NSDAP (Nazi) members in Munich beer halls and committed them to satirical sketch.

I believe the book had an English translation and was published as such after the Second World war (maybe 1945-1975ish)

If anyone has the foggiest idea of the author I'm looking for I'd really appreciate some pointers as I have so little to go on and need the help of people interested in Hungarian literature.

Are there any other book groups members here can think of that may be able to shed some light on my search?


Modificato: Giu 25, 2008, 7:56 pm


Heinrich Kley was too early and a German, Bruno Schultz was Polish, and I don't think the other one springing to mind - Grolscz or something like that - was Hungarian...

Edit to add:

Ok, George Grosz was German.

I obviously have no idea, but I'd like to know..