Request for help - from an author


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Request for help - from an author

Apr 9, 2022, 4:01 pm


I’m an author and I’m new to this site.

I’ve written four books but currently I seem to have two separate pages on this site. Two of my books are on my main author page here:

But the other two are on this page here:

Could someone combine the two pages so that all four books are on the first page, please? (I could probably try and do it myself but I’m worried I would probably just mess things up!)

Many thanks!

Modificato: Apr 9, 2022, 4:41 pm

The easiest way to do this is for you to edit your books to take the C out.

Richard C Long should not be combined into Richard Long.

The current aliasing isn't working, but could be fixed, leaving all the books together on the Richard C. Long page, but the C books would not show on the Richard Long 10 page.

Once you have edited your books, you can use the recalculate link (lower right) to change the work author. Then those two book can be assigned to Richard Long 10 on the author division page.
Let us know when you need help with that.

Apr 9, 2022, 5:25 pm

Thank you! I’ve deleted the ‘C’ and that seems to have done it! All four books are now appearing on the same - and correct - author page. I didn’t even have to do the author division thing.

Thank you again!