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Ago 7, 2020, 9:28 am

Hi, I'm new here, still finding my way around. I'm looking for an old historical romance set in France during the inquisition. The heroine, Marrieta was being hunted as a witch and the hero, Leon was a Duke whose chateau and lands were impoverished. Leon rescued Marrieta in a forest where she had ran to hide after her grandmother was killed and took her to his home. While there she taught women how to make chantilly lace and medicines. She was later found by the inquistador and taken away to be burnt at the stake but Leon rescued her again and the truth about her and some French courtesan came out.
I read this book in late nineties. It was an old large print edition that had been donated to my local library in Kenya and the cover and some pages were missing, so I never knew the title or who the writer was. I would love to find it and read it again. Thank you.

Ago 7, 2020, 9:32 am

You want the Name that Book group:

Be sure to follow the guidelines, with particular attention to Enter a helpful Subject line that includes a genre and a clue . . . Words like 'Help' or 'Find this book' or 'Search' are not helpful in a subject line and should be avoided.

Good luck.

Ago 7, 2020, 10:16 am

Oh, sorry. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction

Ago 7, 2020, 10:39 am

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Modificato: Set 5, 2020, 12:34 pm

Hi guys.
I am new here ..
Looking for a book where the heroin is a slave from west africa and she is of mixed race I think. She is young and beautiful and gains notoriety. The h is sold to sort of a harem I think. Can't remember much but she falls in love with a good guy and towards the end of the book they agree to meet up at a country house (maybe) but the hero (or heroine) looses his/her memory and doesnt show up. I dont remember much but the book spans the heroines life from a teenage slave to adulthood.
Its a very old historical novel that has a bluish cover I think.

Set 5, 2020, 12:34 pm

>6 Adelaidetz: See >2 lilithcat: above for the Name that Book group.

Set 5, 2020, 12:36 pm
