magick in hungarian narrative

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magick in hungarian narrative

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Set 2, 2011, 7:00 am

my searches have as object the occultism and the magic in the stories; now I would want to widen this study to the non western world.
can I ask you a list of authors that has written stories of magic and occultism?
and even some extract of story in western language, if someone of it has you of available (pdf or word)?
Many thanks

Set 2, 2011, 10:02 am

The last time I checked Hungary was part of the Western world. ;)

You should find Szepes Mária's Red Lion

Or Hamvas Bela's Karnevál (Carneval)

For a ligther reading, Szerb Antal's excellent The Pendragon Legend is a good choice:

As you cold see from these examples, magic in Hungarian stories are heavily rooted in the western magical traditions.

While remains of the shamanistic traditions could have been found even as late as the 20th century (not counting the new-age revivalists), since Christianity became the dominant religion a thousand years ago, it did not have a significant effect on literature.

If you are interested in this heritance, I would suggest Hoppál Mihály's work (in English).
This could be a good beginning:

Mag 22, 2013, 7:42 am

Komavary, I'm not a particularly huge fan of Szerb Antal, but are you really saying he is lighter than Szepes? =)
Another occultist author of Szepes' ilk is Elizabeth Haich (vitéz Nesztyné Haich Erzsébet) who moved to Switzerland after WW II. with Selvarajan Yesudian.