EtichettaAntonio abate

Etichetta inglese: St. Anthony the Great (migliora la traduzione)

Comprende: St. Anthony the Great, St. Antony of Egypt, Anthony of Egypt, Anthony the Great, Antony of Egypt, Saint Anthony of Egypt, Anthony of the Desert, St. Anthony of Egypt, St. Antony the Great, anthony the great, Saint Antony of Egypt, Anthony of Egypt (saint), Saint Antony of the desert, St Antony of Egypt, Anthony of Egypt Saint, Anthony - of Egypt - Saint, Anthony of Desert Saint, Saint Anthony of Egypt 250-355, saint anthony of egypt, St Anthony of Egypt c251-356, SAINT ANTHONY OF EGYPT, st antony of egypt, anthony of egypt (saint), anthony - of egypt - saint, anthony of egypt, anthony of egypt saint, saint antony of the desert, st. antony the great, anthony of the desert, antony of egypt, st anthony of egypt c251-356, anthony of desert saint, saint antony of egypt, saint anthony of egypt 250-355, st. antony of egypt, st. anthony the great, st. anthony of egypt
Traduzioni: Антоній Вялікі, Антоний Велики, Antonius der Große, Antonio Abad, Antoine le Grand, Sveti Antun Pustinjak, Antonio abate, Remete Szent Antal, Antonius van Egypte, Antonius den store, Antoni Wielki, Antão do Deserto, Antonie cel Mare, Антоний Великий, Anton Veľký, Антоније Велики, Antonios Suuri, Antonios Eremiten

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