EtichettaPrincipi della dinamica

Etichetta inglese: Newton's Laws of Motion (migliora la traduzione)

Comprende: Newton's Laws of Motion, Newton's laws of motion, newton's laws of motion
Traduzioni: Законы Ньютана, Закони на Нютон, Newtonsche Gesetze, Leyes de Newton, Lois du mouvement de Newton, Newtonovi zakoni gibanja, Lögmál Newtons, Principi della dinamica, Ņūtona likumi, Niutono dėsniai, Newton törvényei, Њутнови закони, Wetten van Newton, Newtons bevegelseslover, Zasady dynamiki Newtona, Leis de Newton, Legile lui Newton, Законы Ньютона, Newtonove pohybové zákony, Њутнови закони, Mekaniikan peruslait, Newtons rörelselagar, Newton'ın hareket yasaları

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