EtichettaAntony and Cleopatra. Give me some music / Samuel BarberThe ballad of baby doe. Willow song ; Dearest Mama ; The silver aria ; Always through the changing / Douglas MooreThe consul. The foreign woman's aria ; To this we've come / Gian Carlo MenottiFlorenc

Comprende: Antony and Cleopatra. Give me some music / Samuel BarberThe ballad of baby doe. Willow song ; Dearest Mama ; The silver aria ; Always through the changing / Douglas MooreThe consul. The foreign woman's aria ; To this we've come / Gian Carlo MenottiFlorenc, antony and cleopatra. give me some music / samuel barberthe ballad of baby doe. willow song ; dearest mama ; the silver aria ; always through the changing / douglas moorethe consul. the foreign woman's aria ; to this we've come / gian carlo menottiflorenc

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daniel.megli (1)