Libri controversi per Admiralcreedy

Questa pagina mostra i libri più "controversi" in questa biblioteca, misurati in base alla più alta deviazione standard delle valutazioni in stelle dei membri.

Deviazione standard Valutazione media La tua valutazione Titolo
1.805 3.25 Libro di Mormon: [racconto scritto su tavole per mano di Mormon tratto dalle tavole di Nefi ...] di Joseph Smith
1.442 3.2 The Lost Message of Jesus di Steve Chalke
1.398 3.23 God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships di Matthew Vines
1.398 3.97 Good Morning, Holy Spirit di Benny Hinn
1.379 3.71 Roman Catholicism di Loraine Boettner
1.35 3.65 Systematic Theology, vol. 1 di Paul Tillich
1.337 3.42 Il rifugio di William P. Young
1.288 3.93 Things to Come: A Study in Biblical Eschatology di J. Dwight Pentecost
1.287 2.84 Gli dei erano astronauti: il cosmo rivela il mistero di tutte le religioni di Erich von Däniken
1.279 3.47 The Living Bible di Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor
1.272 3.48 The Purpose Driven Life di Rick Warren
1.255 4.15 The First Epistle to the Corinthians di Gordon D. Fee
1.243 3.48 Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived di Rob Bell
1.239 3.59 Epistle to the Romans: The English Text With Introduction, Exposition, and Notes (NEW INTERNATIONAL COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT) di John Murray
1.221 3.72 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos di Jordan B. Peterson
1.213 3.72 Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology di Gregory A. Boyd
1.201 3.4 I Kissed Dating Goodbye di Joshua Harris
1.201 3.65 Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional di Jim Belcher
1.195 3.14 The Koran (Dawood, 1956) di al-Qur'an
1.189 3.63 Soul Cravings di Erwin Raphael McManus
1.183 3.7 A Generous Orthodoxy: Why I Am a Missional, Evangelical, Post/Protestant, Liberal/Conservative, Mystical/Poetic, Biblica di Brian D. McLaren
1.181 3.61 Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul di John Eldredge
1.179 3.36 The Purpose-Driven Church: Growth Without Compromising Your Message & Mission di Rick Warren
1.172 3.62 Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship di Joshua Harris
1.169 3.33 The Gospel of Thomas: Annotated & Explained (Skylight Illuminations,) di Stevan L. Davies
1.169 3.67 The Gospel According to Mark: The English Text With Introduction, Exposition, and Notes (New International Commentary on the New Testament) di William L. Lane
1.16 4.16 The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation di Richard Rohr
1.155 4.16 Opera omnia. IV - La Trinità di Saint Augustine
1.152 3.73 Revolution in World Missions di K. P. Yohannan
1.142 3.46 Manifesto del Partito Comunista di Karl Marx
1.138 3.98 Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners di John Bunyan
1.137 4.22 The Holy Bible: New Living Translation (NLT) di Tyndale
1.136 3.9 Esercizi spirituali di St. Ignatius of Loyola
1.135 3.62 Religion Saves: And Nine Other Misconceptions (Re:Lit) di Mark Driscoll
1.134 3.81 The Bait of Satan, 20th Anniversary Edition: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense di John Bevere
1.127 3.41 Questions of Life di Nicky Gumbel
1.125 4.1 Gesu di Nazaret: dal Battesimo alla Trasfigurazione di Pope Benedict XVI
1.123 3.59 Dio esiste. Come l'ateo più famoso del mondo ha cambiato idea di Antony Flew
1.122 3.51 Jesus Wants to Save Christians: A Manifesto for the Church in Exile di Rob Bell
1.114 3.57 Fifteen Decisive Battles di Edward Shepherd Creasy
1.103 3.76 Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis di William J. Webb
1.099 3.48 The Bible Made Impossible: Why Biblicism Is Not a Truly Evangelical Reading of Scripture di Christian Smith
1.098 3.89 The First Epistle Of Peter: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) di Wayne Grudem
1.098 4.23 Codex canonum Ecclesiarum orientalium: auctoritate Ioannis Pauli pp. II promulgatus, fontium annotatione auctus di Catholic Church
1.097 3.79 The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World di Alister McGrath
1.094 4.14 Somma teologica di Thomas Aquinas
1.091 3.98 Tremendous Trifles di G.K. Chesterton
1.089 3.38 The Post-Evangelical di Dave Tomlinson
1.087 3.85 The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus di Lee Strobel
1.085 3.73 How to Think Theologically di Howard W. Stone
1.083 3.71 The Calvary Road di Roy Hession
1.081 3.78 The Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila di Teresa de Ávila
1.08 3.98 A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey di Brian D. McLaren
1.079 3.59 Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology di Rosemary Radford Ruether
1.078 3.91 Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith di Rob Bell
1.077 3.83 Living in Sin?: A Bishop Rethinks Human Sexuality di John Shelby Spong
1.077 3.79 Catholicism for Dummies di John Trigilio, Jr.
1.076 2.83 Five on Brexit Island di Bruno Vincent
1.075 3.72 Intercessory Prayer: How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth di Dutch Sheets
1.071 3.75 The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon: An Introduction and Commentary di N. T. Wright
1.071 4.1 A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 di W. Phillip Keller
1.071 3.4 Counterfeit Revival di Hank Hanegraaff
1.068 4.02 God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? di John C. Lennox
1.065 3.87 L'Epistola ai Romani di Karl Barth
1.064 3.83 More Than a Carpenter di Josh McDowell
1.061 3.88 "Fundamentalism" and the Word of God di J. I. Packer
1.06 3.78 Courageous Leadership di Bill Hybels
1.06 3.95 La città di Dio di Saint Augustine
1.06 4.12 Luke for Everyone di Tom Wright
1.059 3.76 Il sacro di Rudolf Otto
1.059 3.95 Pilgrim di Terry Hayes
1.058 3.72 What We Talk About When We Talk About God di Rob Bell
1.058 4.01 Christian Liberty di Martin Luther
1.057 3.92 Charismatic Chaos di John MacArthur
1.055 3.66 Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament di Peter Enns
1.055 3.8 Baptism and Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today di John R. W. Stott
1.054 3.94 Confessioni di Saint Augustine
1.054 3.92 Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture di Lesslie Newbigin
1.053 4.12 Interlinear Greek-English New Testament: King James version: With Greek-English Lexicon and New Testament Synonyms di George Ricker Berry
1.053 3.73 Il libro sacro del prodigioso spaghetto volante di Bobby Henderson
1.051 3.66 L' eunuco femmina di Germaine Greer
1.05 4.01 Loving God di Charles Colson
1.05 3.82 In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis di Karen Armstrong
1.048 3.99 Unapologetic: Why, Despite Everything, Christianity Can Still Make Surprising Emotional Sense di Francis Spufford
1.044 3.64 Anselm of Canterbury: The Major Works di St. Anselm
1.043 3.9 The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist di Craig Groeschel
1.042 3.47 Al di la di Dio Padre: verso una filosofia della liberazione delle donne di Mary Daly
1.04 3.9 Blue Like Jazz di Donald Miller
1.037 4.19 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 1: Genesis 1-15 di Gordon J. Wenham
1.037 4.05 The Heavenly Man di Brother Yun
1.036 4 Why?: Trusting God When You Don't Understand di Anne Graham Lotz
1.035 4.18 My Utmost for His Highest di Oswald Chambers
1.033 3.76 To Own a Dragon: Reflections On Growing Up Without A Father di Donald Miller
1.033 3.92 Foxe's Book of Martyrs di John Foxe
1.032 3.7 La sfera e la croce di G.K. Chesterton
1.03 4.2 Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism di John Piper
1.03 4.34 The Interlinear Bible: Hebrew/English (Volumes 1-3) di Jay P. Green
1.03 3.65 Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? di Wayne Grudem
1.03 4.13 The New Jerusalem Bible di Henry Wansbrough
1.03 4.02 When God Weeps di Joni Eareckson Tada
1.029 4.16 The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform di Roger E. Olson
1.029 4.05 The Allegory of Love: A Study in Medieval Tradition - L'allegoria d'amore. Saggio sulla tradizione medievale di C. S. Lewis
1.027 3.54 The Power of a Praying® Husband di Stormie Omartian
1.023 3.67 The Secret Message of Jesus: Uncovering the Truth that Could Change Everything di Brian D. McLaren
1.022 3.79 Cani di paglia: pensieri sull'uomo e altri animali! di John Gray
1.022 3.92 Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth: An Analysis of More Than 100 Disputed Questions di Wayne Grudem
1.021 3.7 Eerdmans' Handbook to the History of Christianity di Tim Dowley
1.019 3.8 The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story di Craig G. Bartholomew
1.018 4.24 Surprised by the Voice of God di Jack S. Deere
1.018 3.79 The New Man di Thomas Merton
1.018 3.26 Heaven and its wonders and hell: from things heard and seen di Emanuel Swedenborg
1.017 3.81 The Lion's World: A Journey into the Heart of Narnia di Rowan Williams
1.011 3.64 Romans: Tyndale New Testament Commentaries di Bruce,F. F.
1.01 4.03 The Letters of John (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries) di John R. W. Stott
1.009 4.06 The Inner Voice of Love: A Journey Through Anguish to Freedom di Henri J. M. Nouwen
1.009 4.02 An Unstoppable Force: Daring to Become the Church God Had in Mind di Erwin Raphael McManus
1.008 3.91 La dottrina cristiana di St. Augustine
1.007 3.82 Ruthless Trust: The Ragamuffin's Path to God di Brennan Manning
1.007 3.63 The Message of Acts di John R. W. Stott
1.006 3.86 Pensieri di Blaise Pascal
1.005 3.1 Nietzsche: A Very Short Introduction di Michael Tanner
1.003 4.18 Jesus: The Only Way to God: Must You Hear the Gospel to be Saved? di John Piper
1.002 4 Out of the Saltshaker and into the World: Evangelism As a Way of Life di Rebecca Manley Pippert
1.002 4.06 The Atonement Child di Francine Rivers
1 4.13 In His Image di Paul Brand
1 4.17 The Peaceable Kingdom: A Primer In Christian Ethics di Stanley Hauerwas
0.999 4.03 Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce di John Piper
0.999 3.91 A Christian Manifesto di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.998 3.99 Paradiso Perduto di John Milton
0.997 3.98 Wolf Hall di Hilary Mantel
0.996 3.89 Becoming Human di Jean Vanier
0.994 3.81 Truth Is Stranger Than It Used to Be: Biblical Faith in a Postmodern Age di J. Richard Middleton
0.993 3.44 Logic: A Very Short Introduction di Graham Priest
0.992 3.49 Kant: A Very Short Introduction di Roger Scruton
0.99 3.93 Varcare la soglia della speranza di John Paul II
0.988 4.1 L'origine delle specie di Charles Darwin
0.987 3.86 Spiritual Leadership di J. Oswald Sanders
0.986 3.94 L'illusione di Dio: le ragioni per non credere di Richard Dawkins
0.986 3.77 Il corpo e la società. Uomini, donne e astinenza sessuale nei primi secoli cristiani di Peter Brown
0.985 3.9 Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture di Adam S. McHugh
0.984 4.16 Systematic Theology di Louis Berkhof
0.982 3.72 Run Baby Run di Nicky Cruz
0.981 3.88 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 36: John di George R. Beasley-Murray
0.98 3.98 Christianity in Crisis di Hank Hanegraaff
0.978 3.79 unChristian di David Kinnaman
0.977 3.66 Il centenario che saltò dalla finestra e scomparve di Jonas Jonasson
0.977 3.87 Etica nicomachea di Aristotle
0.975 3.92 Lettera a una nazione cristiana di Sam Harris
0.974 3.83 Timore e tremore di Søren Kierkegaard
0.974 3.82 Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 years di John Philip Jenkins
0.974 3.86 Angela's Ashes / 'Tis di Frank McCourt
0.973 4.02 Don't Waste Your Life di John Piper
0.972 4.05 Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God di Francis Chan
0.97 3.88 Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary di Marcus J. Borg
0.968 4.1 Pierced for Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution di Steve Jeffery
0.965 3.85 The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant di John Dominic Crossan
0.965 3.22 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion di Brian Davies
0.965 3.77 The Book of Revelation di Robert H. Mounce
0.964 4.02 Jesus Freaks, Volume 2: Stories of Revolutionaries Who Changed Their World - Fearing God, Not Man di DC Talk
0.963 3.91 Evil and the Justice of God di N. T. Wright
0.962 3.71 Intelligenza emotiva di Daniel Goleman
0.962 3.98 Attesa di Dio di Simone Weil
0.96 3.75 The Man Who Cycled the World di Mark Beaumont
0.96 4.31 The New Foxe's Book of Martyrs di John Foxe
0.958 3.96 Chinese Cinderella: The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter di Adeline Yen Mah
0.958 3.97 Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is): Sexual Purity in a Lust-Saturated World di Joshua Harris
0.957 3.73 Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at Its Best di Eugene H. Peterson
0.956 3.95 Sorpreso dalla gioia : i primi anni della mia vita di C. S. Lewis
0.956 4.03 Iliade di Homer
0.955 4.23 Living the Cross Centered Life: Keeping the Gospel the Main Thing di C. J. Mahaney
0.954 4.17 The Creationists: From Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design, Expanded Edition di Ronald L. Numbers
0.953 3.9 L'archeologia del sapere di Michel Foucault
0.953 4 Pollution and the Death of Man: The Christian View of Ecology di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.953 4.03 Fool's Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion di Os Guinness
0.952 3.92 An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding di David Hume
0.952 4.31 The Religious Affections di Jonathan Edwards
0.951 4.35 The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God di Dallas Willard
0.949 3.96 Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters : Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (For Everyone) di Tom Wright
0.948 3.96 E.M. Bounds on Prayer di E. M. Bounds
0.948 3.97 Justification: God's Plan & Paul's Vision di N. T. Wright
0.948 3.98 Systematic Theology [3-volume set] di Charles Hodge
0.948 4.05 The God Who is There: Speaking Historic Christianity Into the Twentieth Century di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.947 3.84 Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections between Sexuality and Spirituality di Rob Bell
0.947 3.45 L' uomo che volle essere re di Rudyard Kipling
0.946 3.35 The World's Religions di Ninian Smart
0.945 4 A Year of Biblical Womanhood di Rachel Held Evans
0.945 3.79 Autobiografia di Benjamin Franklin
0.944 3.8 The Purpose of Christmas di Rick Warren
0.944 3.89 On Free Choice of the Will di Saint Augustine
0.944 3.25 Il vangelo perduto: l'avvincente racconto del ritrovamento del vangelo di Giuda Iscariota di Herbert Krosney
0.944 4.1 A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society di Eugene H. Peterson
0.944 3.36 Ebraismo di Norman Solomon
0.943 3.91 The Message of Ephesians (Bible Speaks Today) di John R. W. Stott
0.943 3.67 A Short History of Ethics: A History of Moral Philosophy from the Homeric Age to the Twentieth Century di Alasdair MacIntyre
0.942 4.03 Odissea di Homer
0.942 3.82 Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science di John C. Lennox
0.941 3.86 Faith Seeking Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Theology di Daniel L. Migliore
0.939 4.12 Le lettere di Berlicche e Il brindisi di Berlicche di C. S. Lewis
0.939 3.56 Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction di Jonathan D. Culler
0.939 3.84 Genesis: Translation and Commentary di Robert Alter
0.939 3.45 I Melrose di Edward St. Aubyn
0.938 4.1 Keep in Step With the Spirit di J. I. Packer
0.938 3.95 2: L'ambiente divino: saggio di vita interiore di Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
0.937 3.78 L' epopea di Gilgames di Gilgamesh Poet
0.936 4.11 The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives di Dallas Willard
0.936 3.85 A Promise for Ellie di Lauraine Snelling
0.936 3.58 What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality di Daniel A. Helminiak
0.936 4.14 Anna Karenina di Leo Tolstoy
0.935 3.94 The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict di Josh McDowell
0.935 3.59 Under God di Toby Mac
0.935 4.41 Redeeming Love di Francine Rivers
0.934 3.83 The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English (Penguin Classics) di Géza Vermes
0.934 3.9 Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married di Gary D. Chapman
0.934 3.93 La volontà di sapere di Michel Foucault
0.934 4.08 Evangelical Theology: An Introduction di Karl Barth
0.933 4.29 Heaven: Biblical Answers to Common Questions di Randy Alcorn
0.933 4.17 The Business of Heaven di C. S. Lewis
0.932 3.9 Too Busy Not to Pray di Bill Hybels
0.931 4.29 A Body of Divinity (Body of Practical Divinity) di Thomas Watson
0.93 3.83 The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible di Scot McKnight
0.929 3.94 Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook di William D. Mounce
0.929 4.21 L'abbraccio benedicente di Henri J. M. Nouwen
0.929 4.08 Generous Justice: How God's Grace Makes Us Just di Timothy Keller
0.929 3.81 The Me I Want to Be: Becoming God's Best Version of You di John Ortberg
0.927 4.09 The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? di Bruce,F. F.
0.927 3.93 A Theology of the New Testament di George Eldon Ladd
0.924 3.65 Il primo libro di filosofia di Nigel Warburton
0.924 3.86 Is God a Moral Monster?: Making Sense of the Old Testament God di Paul Copan
0.924 3.87 I figli di Húrin di J. R. R. Tolkien
0.924 3.7 God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It di Jim Wallis
0.923 4.13 Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible: Complete and Unabridged di Matthew Henry
0.921 3.81 A Plain Account of Christian Perfection di John Wesley
0.92 3.75 Two Treatises of Government di John Locke
0.92 3.97 Londra: una biografia di Peter Ackroyd
0.918 4.14 Early Christian Doctrines di J. N. D. Kelly
0.917 3.97 Paul: In Fresh Perspective di N. T. Wright
0.917 4.05 The Space Trilogy di C. S. Lewis
0.916 3.93 The Trinity and the Kingdom di Jürgen Moltmann
0.914 4.1 Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction di Margaret Guenther
0.913 3.9 How (Not) to Speak of God di Peter Rollins
0.912 4.12 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 41: Galatians di Richard N. Longenecker
0.912 3.95 The Future of Justification: A Response to N. T. Wright di John Piper
0.911 3.9 Surprised by the Power of the Spirit di Jack Deere
0.911 4.55 The Death of Death in the Death of Christ di John Owen
0.91 4.09 Ella Enchanted di Gail Carson Levine
0.91 4.01 Detto, fatto! L'arte dell'efficienza di David Allen
0.91 4.3 The Spiritual Man (3 volume set) di Watchman Nee
0.909 4.33 Dangerous Calling: Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry di Paul David Tripp
0.909 3.67 The Book of Leviticus (New International Commentary on the Old Testament) di Gordon J. Wenham
0.907 2.91 Theology: A Very Short Introduction di David F. Ford
0.907 3.38 Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction di Kim Knott
0.906 4.17 The Way of a Pilgrim / The Pilgrim Continues His Way di Anonymous
0.906 4.02 Galatians di Bruce,F. F.
0.905 3.74 Timaeus and Critias di Plato
0.905 4.09 Dogmatics in Outline di Karl Barth
0.905 4.17 The Ragamuffin Gospel di Brennan Manning
0.905 4 Bold Love di Dan B. Allender
0.904 3.88 Proverbs: An Introduction & Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries #15) di Derek Kidner
0.903 3.94 Tutte le storie di Padre Brown di G.K. Chesterton
0.903 4.26 I miserabili di Victor Hugo
0.903 4.2 Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith di Wayne Grudem
0.902 3.93 La mano nuda di Dio : uno studio preliminare sui miracoli di C. S. Lewis
0.901 4.09 In The Grip Of Grace di Max Lucado
0.899 4.21 The Francis A. Schaeffer Trilogy: Three Essential Books in One Volume di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.898 3.88 The Early Church di Henry Chadwick
0.898 4.3 The Pursuit of God di A. W. Tozer
0.896 4.2 God's smuggler di Brother Andrew
0.895 3.79 The Christian Theology Reader di Alister E. McGrath
0.895 4.14 Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth di Richard J. Foster
0.895 4.55 All of Grace di C. H. Spurgeon
0.895 3.38 L'Utilitarismo di John Stuart Mill
0.895 4.3 Evangelium vitae di John Paul II
0.894 3.96 Philosophy in the Flesh : The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought di George Lakoff
0.894 4.12 Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life di Richard Rohr
0.894 3.9 Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition di Kerry Patterson
0.894 4.18 L'uomo eterno di G.K. Chesterton
0.894 4.03 Just Like Jesus di Max Lucado
0.893 4.18 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made di Philip Yancey
0.893 4.03 I quattro amori: affetto, amicizia, eros, carità di C. S. Lewis
0.891 3.98 How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth di Gordon D. Fee
0.891 3.84 How (Not) to Be Secular: Reading Charles Taylor di James K. A. Smith
0.89 3.9 Speaking of Jesus : the art of not-evangelism di Carl Medearis
0.889 3.99 The Scarlet Thread di Francine Rivers
0.887 4 Pierced by the Word: Thirty-One Meditations for Your Soul di John Piper
0.887 4.03 Basic Christianity di John R. W. Stott
0.887 3.76 Boundaries in Marriage di Henry Cloud
0.886 4.19 Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs di J. I. Packer
0.886 4.16 When helping hurts : how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor -- and yourself di Steve Corbett
0.885 3.96 The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment di Tim Challies
0.884 4.15 A Praying Life: Connecting With God In A Distracting World di Paul E. Miller
0.884 4.01 More than Conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation di William Hendriksen
0.883 3.92 The Oxford Companion to the Bible di Bruce M. Metzger
0.883 3.37 Postmodernism: A Very Short Introduction di Christopher Butler
0.883 4.16 What's So Amazing About Grace? di Philip Yancey
0.881 3.96 Scripture and the Authority of God: How to Read the Bible Today di N. T. Wright
0.88 3.99 Dialoghi sulla religione naturale di David Hume
0.88 4.2 The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism di Timothy Keller
0.88 4.3 A Lineage of Grace: Five Stories of Unlikely Women Who Changed Eternity di Francine Rivers
0.88 4.13 Theology of the Reformers di Timothy George
0.878 3.9 Escape From Reason: A Penetrating Analysis Of Trends In Modern Thought di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.878 3.94 God, Freedom, and Evil di Alvin Plantinga
0.878 3.72 Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis di J. D. Vance
0.878 4.1 Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense di N. T. Wright
0.877 4.24 The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary di J. Alec Motyer
0.877 4.08 The Dangerous Duty of Delight di John Piper
0.877 3.87 3: La cura di se di Michel Foucault
0.876 4.01 Jesus Freaks: Stories of Those Who Stood for Jesus di DC Talk
0.875 4.31 The Reformed Pastor di Richard Baxter
0.873 4.27 The Gift of Pain di Paul Brand
0.873 4.11 Death by Love: Letters from the Cross di Mark Driscoll
0.872 4.19 La strana morte dell'Europa. Immigrazione, identità, Islam di Douglas Murray
0.872 3.74 Old Testament survey : the message, form, and background of the Old Testament di William Sanford Lasor
0.872 4.09 Menti tribali: perché le brave persone si dividono su politica e religione di Jonathan Haidt
0.872 4.06 God's Big Picture di Vaughan Roberts
0.872 3.74 Paul Among the People: The Apostle Reinterpreted and Reimagined in His Own Time di Sarah Ruden
0.871 4.08 Why We're Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be di Kevin DeYoung
0.871 4.21 Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem di Kevin DeYoung
0.871 3.81 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus (New International Biblical Commentary, Volume #13) di Gordon D. Fee
0.87 4.11 The Writings of the New Testament: An Interpretation di Luke Timothy Johnson
0.869 4.13 Evangelii gaudium. Esortazione apostolica di Pope Francis
0.868 4.23 The Hidden Smile of God: The Fruit of Affliction in the Lives of John Bunyan, William Cowper, and David Brainerd di John Piper
0.865 3.97 The Tanglewoods' Secret di Patricia St.John
0.865 4.21 Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City di Timothy Keller
0.865 3.59 The Elements of New Testament Greek di J. W. Wenham
0.864 4.34 On the Incarnation: The Treatise De Incarnatione Verbi Dei di Athanasius
0.863 4.03 Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Discipleship di N. T. Wright
0.863 4.02 The Jesus I Never Knew di Philip Yancey
0.86 4.27 Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine di Wayne Grudem
0.859 4.24 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 44: Colossians, Philemon di Peter T. O'Brien
0.858 4.21 The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is di N. T. Wright
0.858 4.04 New Bible Dictionary di I. Howard Marshall
0.858 4.02 Christian Theology: An Introduction di Alister E. McGrath
0.857 4.51 Istituzione della religione cristiana di John Calvin
0.857 4.3 The Hauerwas Reader di Stanley Hauerwas
0.856 3.96 Reflections on the Psalms di C. S. Lewis
0.856 3.37 Dating Jesus: A Story of Fundamentalism, Feminism, and the American Girl di Susan Campbell
0.856 4.17 Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free di Bruce,F. F.
0.856 3.9 Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe (RE: Lit) di Mark Driscoll
0.855 4.54 The Christian in Complete Armour di William Gurnall
0.855 4.04 Lectures on Calvinism di Abraham Kuyper
0.855 3.52 Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Genesis di Derek Kidner
0.854 4.02 Gospel of the Kingdom: Scriptural Studies in the Kingdom of God di George Eldon Ladd
0.854 4.44 The Gospel according to John (The Pillar New Testament Commentary (PNTC)) di D. A. Carson
0.854 3.54 La saggezza di padre Brown di G.K. Chesterton
0.854 4.37 La compagnia dell'anello di J. R. R. Tolkien
0.852 4.07 The Theology of Paul the Apostle di James D. G. Dunn
0.852 3.89 I Vangeli gnostici di Elaine Pagels
0.85 4.01 Reaching for the Invisible God di Philip Yancey
0.848 3.92 Cruden's Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testaments di Alexander Cruden
0.848 3.66 Absence of Mind: The Dispelling of Inwardness from the Modern Myth of the Self di Marilynne Robinson
0.848 4.49 The Sovereignty of God di Arthur W. Pink
0.847 4.49 The Greek New Testament di Eberhard Nestle
0.847 4.12 God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics di C. S. Lewis
0.847 3.92 Ethics di Dietrich Bonhoeffer
0.846 4.28 In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership di Henri J. M. Nouwen
0.846 3.95 Jerusalem: The Biography di Simon Sebag-Montefiore
0.846 4.03 Genesi di Walter Brueggemann
0.845 4.11 Tree and Leaf: Including "Mythopoeia" di J. R. R. Tolkien
0.845 4.43 The Justification of God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9:1-23 di John Piper
0.845 4.2 Lutero di Roland Bainton
0.845 3.68 Il disagio della modernità di Charles Taylor
0.844 4.25 The Unlikely Voyage of Jack De Crow: A Mirror Odyssey from North Wales to the Black Sea di A. J. Mackinnon
0.843 4.26 The Gagging of God di D. A. Carson
0.842 4.23 Tortured for Christ di Richard Wurmbrand
0.842 4.16 Diario di un dolore di C. S. Lewis
0.841 4.2 The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical di Shane Claiborne
0.84 4.35 Storia di una ladra di libri di Markus Zusak
0.84 4.18 Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar di William D. Mounce
0.84 4.08 The Courage to Be Protestant: Truth-Lovers, Marketers, and Emergents in the Postmodern World di David F. Wells
0.838 3.81 Gospel of Luke: A Commentary on the Greek Text (New International Greek Testament Commentary) di I. Howard Marshall
0.837 4.01 Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity di Mark A. Noll
0.837 4.04 The Creedal Imperative di Carl R. Trueman
0.835 4.2 Star of Light di Patricia M. St. John
0.835 4.07 The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind di Mark A. Noll
0.834 4.24 Hannah's Child: A Theologian's Memoir di Stanley Hauerwas
0.831 3.62 Paul: A Very Short Introduction di E. P. Sanders
0.83 4.48 Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots di J. C. Ryle
0.83 4.18 Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams di Matthew Walker
0.83 3.96 Note to Self: The Discipline of Preaching to Yourself di Joe Thorn
0.829 3.98 L' uso dei piaceri di Michel Foucault
0.829 4.12 The Last Word and the Word after That: A Tale of Faith, Doubt, and a New Kind of Christianity di Brian D. McLaren
0.827 4.28 Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's Will di Kevin DeYoung
0.826 3.65 Islam: A Short History di Karen Armstrong
0.826 4.1 Stigma: l'identita negata di Erving Goffman
0.826 3.88 Storie di P. Cornelius Tacitus
0.825 3.53 L'uomo che sapeva troppo di G.K. Chesterton
0.825 4.06 Matthew for Everyone: Chapters 1-15 di Tom Wright
0.825 4.17 Treasures of the Snow di Patricia St.John
0.825 4.28 God, Marriage, and Family: Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation di Andreas Kostenberger
0.824 4.14 Prayer di Ole Hallesby
0.824 4.02 Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving from Affluence to Generosity di Ronald J. Sider
0.823 3.9 Chasing the Dragon di Jackie Pullinger
0.823 4.08 Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? di Philip Yancey
0.823 3.87 The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions di Marcus J. Borg
0.821 4.22 John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace di Jonathan Aitken
0.821 4.06 A Meal with Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, and Mission around the Table di Tim Chester
0.819 4.23 New Testament Commentary Survey di D. A. Carson
0.819 3.92 Documents of the Christian Church di Henry Bettenson
0.817 4.05 Mark for Everyone di Tom Wright
0.816 3.87 1000 Years of Annoying the French di Stephen Clarke
0.815 4.15 To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World di James Davison Hunter
0.815 3.89 Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer di C. S. Lewis
0.815 3.89 The Bible Jesus Read di Philip Yancey
0.815 3.89 Alone of All Her Sex: The Myth and the Cult of the Virgin Mary di Marina Warner
0.814 3.52 Macchiavelli di Quentin Skinner
0.814 4.16 Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's Work di Timothy Keller
0.814 4.4 Why Revival Tarries di Leonard Ravenhill
0.813 3.28 Church in Emerging Culture: Five Perspectives di Leonard Sweet
0.813 4.19 The Message of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7 : Christian Counter-Culture) di John R. W. Stott
0.812 4.3 Sequela di Dietrich Bonhoeffer
0.81 3.69 Il Vangelo secondo Luca di Leon Morris
0.809 4.04 Dug Down Deep: Building Your Life on Truths That Last di Joshua Harris
0.808 4.08 Why We Love the Church: In Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion di Kevin DeYoung
0.807 3.9 Apologetics to the Glory of God: An Introduction di John M. Frame
0.807 3.9 Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church di D. A. Carson
0.806 4.4 Le due torri di J. R. R. Tolkien
0.805 4.04 Joni: An Unforgettable Story di Joni Eareckson Tada
0.805 4.09 The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate di John H. Walton
0.805 4.08 Transforming Mission di David Jacobus Bosch
0.805 4.44 Knowing God di J. I. Packer
0.801 3.88 Gli alberi non crescono fino in cielo: varieta ed eccellenza nella storia della vita di Stephen Jay Gould
0.801 3.13 The Crusades: A Very Short Introduction di Christopher Tyerman
0.799 3.5 Teach Yourself Latin: A Complete Course for Beginners di Gavin Betts
0.798 4.16 Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples di Francis Chan
0.797 4.3 Westminster Confession of Faith: A Study Manual di G. I. Williamson
0.797 4.69 The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (ESV) di Crossway Bibles
0.797 3.84 Fit Bodies Fat Minds: Why Evangelicals Don't Think and What to Do About It (Hourglass Books) di Os Guinness
0.796 4.46 A Call to Spiritual Reformation di D. A. Carson
0.796 4.13 Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home di Richard J. Foster
0.795 4.33 Surprised by Hope di N. T. Wright
0.794 3.73 In God We Doubt: Confessions of a Failed Atheist di John Humphrys
0.793 4.14 Briciole filosofiche di Søren Kierkegaard
0.792 4.16 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus di Charles C. Mann
0.792 3.88 Fern-Seed and Elephants and Other Essays on Christianity di C. S. Lewis
0.79 4.31 Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies di David Bentley Hart
0.79 4.3 Let the Nations Be Glad! di John Piper
0.788 4 Love Is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community di Andrew Marin
0.787 4.25 Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life di Tish Harrison Warren
0.787 4.29 A Quest for Godliness: The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life di J. I. Packer
0.786 3.64 A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew (Revised Edition) di C. L. Seow
0.785 4.43 Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony di Richard J. Bauckham
0.784 3.75 In the Shadow of the Sword: The Birth of Islam and the Rise of the Global Arab Empire di Tom Holland
0.781 4.33 The Knowledge of the Holy di A. W. Tozer
0.781 3.92 Christ and Culture Revisited di D. A. Carson
0.78 4.16 The Orthodox Church di Kallistos Ware
0.78 4.26 Jonathan Edwards: On Revival di Jonathan Edwards
0.78 3.98 The Incomparable Christ di John R. W. Stott
0.779 4.02 Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road di Timothy J. Keller
0.778 4.21 An Experiment in Criticism di C. S. Lewis
0.777 3.88 This is London: Life and Death in the World City di Ben Judah
0.777 4.49 Morning and Evening: A New Edition of the Classic Devotional Based on The Holy Bible, English Standard Version di C. H. Spurgeon
0.776 4.1 Beren and Lúthien di J. R. R. Tolkien
0.776 4 The Metaphysical Poets di Helen Gardner
0.775 3.74 Foucault: A Very Short Introduction di Gary Gutting
0.775 4.28 A Practical View of Christianity di William Wilberforce
0.774 4.17 An Introduction to the New Testament di D. A. Carson
0.774 4.24 The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation, A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics di Richard B. Hays
0.774 4.25 King's Cross: The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus di Timothy Keller
0.773 3.98 All Things Considered di G.K. Chesterton
0.773 3.8 L'omosessualità nella Grecia antica di K. J. Dover
0.77 4.16 Winston's War: Churchill, 1940-1945 di Max Hastings
0.769 4.02 C.S. Lewis—A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet di Alister McGrath
0.768 4.47 3: Il ritorno del Re di J. R. R. Tolkien
0.768 3.66 Henry's Demons: Living with Schizophrenia, A Father and Son's Story di Patrick Cockburn
0.766 4.05 Rites of Passage - Close Quarters - Fire Down Below di William Golding
0.765 3.88 Living Dolls: The Return of Sexism di Natasha Walter
0.764 4.24 Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments di Søren Kierkegaard
0.763 4.31 Life Together and Prayerbook of the Bible (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Vol. 5) di Dietrich Bonhoeffer
0.763 4.28 God Is the Gospel: Meditations on God's Love as the Gift of Himself di John Piper
0.763 3.6 Protestant Biblical Interpretation: A Textbook of Hermeneutics di Bernard L. Ramm
0.762 4.1 Genesis in Space and Time: The Flow of Biblical History (Bible commentary for layman) di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.761 4.04 Ghiaccio: la spedizione della nave Enrurance di Ernest Shackleton
0.76 4.14 L' arte della narrativa biblica di Robert Alter
0.76 3.55 La fabbrica di Joanne Ramos
0.759 4.41 Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God di J. I. Packer
0.758 4.07 Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation (Cultural Liturgies) di James K. A. Smith
0.757 4.31 Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes di Kenneth E. Bailey
0.757 3.29 I Simpson: la vera storia della famiglia piu famosa del mondo di John Ortved
0.756 4.12 The Fall of Gondolin di J. R. R. Tolkien
0.756 4.22 Taste and See: Savoring the Supremacy of God in All of Life di John Piper
0.755 4.29 Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God di Bob Kauflin
0.755 4.25 After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters di N. T. Wright
0.753 4.18 Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know di Wayne Grudem
0.752 4.33 God in the Wasteland: The Reality of Truth in a World of Fading Dreams di David F. Wells
0.751 4.41 The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, 1400-1580 di Eamon Duffy
0.751 4.02 Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling di Andy Crouch
0.748 4.08 Io sono il nemico di Kamila Shamsie
0.748 4.18 Contending for Our All di John Piper
0.748 3.96 The Meal Jesus Gave Us di Tom Wright
0.748 3.91 In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How It Changed a Nation, a Language, and a Culture di Alister McGrath
0.747 3.48 Divine Foreknowledge: Four Views di James K. Beilby
0.746 4.07 Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians di Tom Wright
0.746 4.51 Calvins Commentaries (22 Volume Set) di John Calvin
0.746 3.93 The Battle for the Falklands di Max Hastings
0.745 4.45 The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God di Timothy Keller
0.745 4.06 Christianity's Dangerous Idea: The Protestant Revolution--A History from the Sixteenth Century to the Twenty-First di Alister McGrath
0.744 3.85 The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction di Pink Dandelion
0.743 4.39 Suffering and the Sovereignty of God di John Piper
0.742 4.13 Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit di Francis Chan
0.742 4.2 Biblical Theology di Geerhardus Vos