
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Nov 21, 2006
La mia biblioteca
This library is the child of a marriage between two socialist academics. We each contributed lots on political economy and Latin America. One of us is into unions, social movements and fiction, and the other is devoted to philosophy, science, communication studies and the internet (studying it, that is). We are a bit obsessed with used books stores, and often come back from vacations with a trunk full of salvaged treasures. We organize our collection according to LCC numbers, which some find insane, but hey, it helps when you have to go to the university library.
Informazione su di me
Socialist scholar-activist types, corrupting young minds in various southern Ontario universities.
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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In lettura ora
Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: A Different Drummer Books, Bryan Prince Bookseller, She Said Boom! Records & Books

Biblioteche: Hamilton Public Library - Central Library, Hamilton Public Library - Locke Branch

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