Nome vero
Gail Pool
La mia biblioteca
Because my work has been so focused on books, my library reflects different aspects of my writing life. My largest collection, though, is fiction, which is what I most enjoy reading. The wonderful cartography collection belongs to my husband, who has been involved with antiquarian maps for many years.

Informazione su di me
I’m a writer whose work has focused on criticism, the culture of magazines, and travel. My focus these days is mostly on travel literature, which I review on my website blog, TraveLit. ( My most recent book is a travel memoir, “Lost Among the Baining: Adventure, Marriage, and Other Fieldwork,” which looks back—with a great deal of humor—on a fiasco of a field trip I took with my husband to New Guinea to live with the Baining people. For more information about the book and photos, please take a look at my website (

I live in Cambridge, MA, and Sanibel, FL.

Cambridge, MA
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