- Libri
- 692
- Collezioni
- La tua biblioteca (692)
- Etichette
- Nonfiction/Writing Nonfiction (80), Fiction/Writing Fiction (72), Reference (61), Poetry/Writing Poetry (53), Invention (37), College Writing (36), Textbooks (35), Getting Published (31), Journalism (28), Workbooks (27), Memoir (26), Grammar (25), Styleguide (22), Business (21), Computers/E-Writing (17), Speculative Fiction/Writing Speculative Fiction (17), Local Author (17), Playwriting/Screenplay Writing (16), Language (15), Resumes (15), Technology (14), Letter Writing (13), Grant Writing (12), Reference / Writing Skills (4), Zines (4), Communication (4), Science (4), Language Arts & Disciplines / Authorship (2), Writing Center Resources (2), Literary Criticism / Semiotics & Theory (1), Biography (1), critical thinking (1), Business & Economics / Nonprofit Organizations & Charities (1), Language Arts & Disciplines / Composition & Creative Writing (1), Study Aids / SAT (1), Language Arts & Disciplines / Publishing (1), Technology & Engineering / Cartography (1), Language Arts & Disciplines / Rhetoric (1)
- Cloud
- Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
- Formato
- Aggiunto
- May 6, 2008
- Nome vero
- SLCC Community Writing Center
- La mia biblioteca
- The CWC library resource is available for on-site use at the SLCC Community Writing Center. You are welcome to use these resources while you visit us.
- Informazione su di me
- The SLCC Community Writing Center (CWC) supports, motivates and educates people of all abilities and educatonal backgrounds who want to use writing for practical needs, civic engagement and personal expression.
We provide opportunities to enhance writing abilities through such programs as Writing Coaching, Writing Workshops, the DiverseCity Writing Series and Writing Partners.
These services are open to all Salt Lake residents. To get started, simply stop by or visit us online at http://www.slcc.edu/cwc - Luogo
- Salt Lake City
- Pagina principale
- http://www.slcc.edu/cwc
- Anche su
- Luoghi preferiti
Librerie: The King's English Bookshop, Weller Book Works
Biblioteche: Columbus Library, Hunter Library, Salt Lake City Public Library - Chapman Branch, Salt Lake City Public Library: Day-Riverside Branch
Connessioni ad altri utenti
- Amici
- Biblioteca interessante
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