
Nov 29, 2010
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La mia biblioteca

I started my LT lists in 2002. I list all the books I own as soon as I purchase them. The books that I've read are rated as soon as I've finished them. These books include my own, public library, purchased, audio and kindle. I do record my DNRs mostly so I won't re-purchase or try to re-read in the future. I categorize my unread books as TBR202? for each year. When I've read them, they come off my TBR list but are in my yearly Read list.

Informazione su di me

Eleven years ago (2013) I relocated to Sarasota, FL from Boston, MA when I retired from a job as an intelligence analyst in drug law enforcement. For me, reading books and all things book-related (podcasts, magazine, websites, author's pages, etc.) is the driving force in my life and where I am happiest. My reading interests are very broad. I can say with certainty that I do not read sci-fi, supernatural, or fantasy. Favorites are N/F (memoirs, survival stories, WWII), fiction (thriller/suspense/police procedurals/modern literary/classics/historical fiction). I am fond of books that take place in NYC, Boston, Australia, New Zealand, norse countries, Colombia and Poland. Fun fact: In 2023 I started the year with 192 books on my TBR list. On 1/1/24 I started the year with 196 books on my TBR, IN SPITE OF THE FACT that I read 82 during the year! So, although poor in math, this means that I purchased over 86 new/used books in 2024. My TBR lists are compiled only from the books I have purchased. Books make me happy.

Sarasota, FL