Nome vero
Paige Bowman
La mia biblioteca
My library mainly consists of YA. I also love historical fiction, fantasy, and non-fiction. Some of my favorites are the Outlander Series, The Sword of Truth Series, and of course Harry Potter.
I LOVE big coffee table books that have pictures of the world. I spend way too much money on those!
I read a lot of ebooks.
Informazione su di me
I am a High School Librarian who reads a lot of YA. I like everything from romance to historical fiction, scifi, and fantasy. I enjoy reading books set in other worlds or unfamiliar places in our own world.
United States
Pagina principale
http://@ignitealoveofreading on Instagram
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In lettura ora
Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Lubbock, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Midland, Double T Bookstore

Biblioteche: Andrews County Library, Lubbock Public Library (Mahon), Midland Public Library - Downtown

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