
Autographed (49), 4 (1), 3 (1), Volumes 2 (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Mar 28, 2015
La mia biblioteca
Always growing! I love to read. Most of my library is theology, Bibles, Bible commentaries, and other religious books. I have a small section of Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and sports books. Also I am working on building(36 of 58) a Hardy Boys collection to replace the one I gave to my brother.
Informazione su di me
I am a sinner, saved by God's wonderful grace. I am husband to a wonderful wife and father to four terrific kids. I was privileged to grow up in a Christian home and was led to the Lord by my mom at age 5. I hail from the great state of Michigan where my sports loyalties are all Detroit sports and University of Michigan, particularly football( GO BLUE!) My college years where in Wisconsin and the past 14 in Rockford,IL. Morning Star Church in Rockford has been a huge part of my family's life the past 13 years. Very grateful for the learning, growing, training,and opportunities to serve that Morning Star has been. In 2015 we are planning on relocating to San Jose, CA to be a part of Redeemer Church of the Silicon Valley. Very excited about the opportunities this transition will bring. I am a avid reader of many books.

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