SerieWadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism
22 Opere
Popolarità 12,431 (741 Utenti)
961 Libri
6 Recensioni
- Communications Law: Liberties, Restraints, and the Modern Media (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism) di John D. Zelezny
- Communications Media in the Information Society (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism) di Joseph Straubhaar
- Creative Editing for Print Media (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication & Journalism) di Dorothy A. Bowles
- Living in the Information Age: A New Media Reader (with InfoTrac®) (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journali di Erik P. Bucy
- Media Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism: General Mass Communication) di Shirley Biagi
- Modern Media Writing (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac ) (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism) di Rick Wilber
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