SerieThe Best American Sports Writing

30 Opere Popolarità 13,038 (699 Utenti) 1,556 Libri 15 Recensioni ½ 3.7
The Best American Sports Writing 2019 (The Best American Series ®) di Charles P. Pierce 24 copie2019 (2019)
The Best American Sports Writing 2018 (The Best American Series ®) di Jeff Pearlman 23 copie2018 (2018)
The Best American Sports Writing 2017 (The Best American Series ®) di Howard Bryant 31 copie, 2 recensioni2017 (2017)
The Best American Sports Writing 2016 di Rick Telander 35 copie, 1 recensione2016 (2016)
The Best American Sports Writing 2015 di Wright Thompson 30 copie, 2 recensioni2015 (2015)
The Best American Sports Writing 2014 di Christopher McDougall 38 copie, 1 recensione2014 (2014)
The Best American Sports Writing 2013 di J. R. Moehringer 41 copie2013 (2013)
The Best American Sports Writing 2012 di Michael Wilbon 52 copie, 1 recensione2012 (2012)
The Best American Sports Writing 2011 di Jane Leavy 50 copie, 1 recensione2011 (2011)
The Best American Sports Writing 2010 di Peter Gammons 45 copie2010 (2010)
The Best American Sports Writing 2009 di Leigh Montville 55 copie2009 (2009)
The Best American Sports Writing 2008 di William Nack 68 copie2008 (2008)
The Best American Sports Writing 2007 di David Maraniss 66 copie, 1 recensione2007 (2007)
The Best American Sports Writing 2006 di Michael Lewis 57 copie2006 (2006)
The Best American Sports Writing 2005 di Mike Lupica 67 copie, 2 recensioni2005 (2005)
The Best American Sports Writing 2004 di Richard Ben Cramer 45 copie2004 (2004)
The Best American Sports Writing 2003 di Buzz Bissinger 51 copie2003 (2003)
The Best American Sports Writing 2002 di Rick Reilly 53 copie2002 (2002)
The Best American Sports Writing 2000 di Dick Schaap 51 copie2000 (2002)
The Best American Sports Writing 2001 di Bud Collins 50 copie2001 (2002)
The Best American Sports Writing 1999 di Richard Ford 50 copie1999 (1999)
The Best American Sports Writing of the Century di David Halberstam 192 copie, 1 recensione20th Century (1999)
The Best American Sports Writing 1998 di Bill Littlefield 50 copie1998 (1998)
The Best American Sports Writing 1997 di George Plimpton 48 copie1997 (1997)
The Best American Sports Writing 1996 di John Feinstein 38 copie1996 (1996)
The Best American Sports Writing 1995 di Dan Jenkins 38 copie1995 (1995)
The Best American Sports Writing 1994 di Thomas Boswell 54 copie1994 (1994)
The Best American Sports Writing 1993 di Frank Deford 57 copie1993 (1993)
The Best American Sports Writing 1992 di Thomas McGuane 30 copie1992 (1992)
The Best American Sports Writing 1991 di David Halberstam 60 copie, 3 recensioni1991 (1991)


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