SerieMartha Speaks (TV Show Adaptations)

Autore della serie: Susan Meddaugh

26 Opere Popolarità 4,924 (2,107 Utenti) 3,190 Libri 44 Recensioni ½ 3.8
Martha Speaks di Susan Meddaugh 1,089 copie, 16 recensioniOriginal 1
Martha Calling (Martha Speaks) di Susan Meddaugh 445 copie, 4 recensioniOriginal 2
Martha Blah Blah di Susan Meddaugh 536 copie, 3 recensioniOriginal 3
Martha Walks the Dog di Susan Meddaugh 242 copie, 4 recensioniOriginal 4
Martha and Skits di Susan Meddaugh 104 copieOriginal 5
Perfectly Martha di Susan Meddaugh 116 copie, 12 recensioniOriginal 6
Martha Plays Favorites (Martha Speaks) (Chick-fil-a Kid's Meal Book 4 of 5) di Based on a TV series teleplay written by Raye Lankford 23 copie
Martha Speaks: Canine Comics: Six Daring Doggie Adventures [Adapted by Jamie White] di Jamie White 12 copie
Martha Speaks: Martha Go, Go, Goes Green! di Karen Barss 23 copieReader
Martha Speaks: Secret Agent Dog di Jamie White 33 copieChapter Book
Martha Speaks: Farm Dog Martha di Karen Barss 22 copieGreen Light Readers, Level 2
Martha Speaks: A Pup's Tale di Susan Meddaugh 76 copie, 1 recensioneChapter
Martha Speaks: Martha and Skits Out West di Susan Meddaugh 34 copieChapter
Martha Speaks: Martha on the Case di Susan Meddaugh 67 copieChapter
Martha Speaks: Shelter Dog Blues di Jamie White 84 copieChapter
Martha Speaks: White House Dog di Susan Meddaugh 25 copieChapter
Martha Speaks: Leader of the Pack di Emily Flaschner Meyer 22 copiePicture
Martha Speaks: Martha Says it with Flowers di Susan Meddaugh 27 copie, 1 recensionePicture
Martha Speaks: Fireworks for All di Susan Meddaugh 36 copie, 1 recensioneReader
Martha Speaks: Haunted House di Susan Meddaugh 17 copieReader
Martha Speaks: Martha Camps Out [Adapted by Karen Barss] di Karen Barss 31 copieReader
Martha Speaks: Meet Martha di Karen Barss 23 copie, 1 recensioneReader
Martha Speaks: Play Ball! di Susan Meddaugh 22 copieReader
Martha Speaks: Thief of Hearts di Susan Meddaugh 15 copie, 1 recensioneReader
Martha Speaks: Toy Trouble di Karen Barss 34 copieReader
Martha Speaks: Detective Dog di Susan Meddaugh 26 copieReader


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