The White RavensEnglish / Australia2012
Attributo da International Youth Library
Altri nomi: Selecção White Ravens (Portoghese (Portogallo))
9 opere 412 libri 24 recensioni 3.6
Throughout each year, the language specialists (Lektoren) at the Internationale Jugendbibliothek (International Youth Library / IYL) select recently published books that they consider especially mostra altro noteworthy. This premium label is given to books of international interest that deserve a wider reception on account of their universal theme and/or their exceptional and often innovative artistic and literary style and design.
[All years prior to 1993 missing or very incomplete; all years prior to 2007 need more cover work; 2017 and 2018 in process of entry; all years are a work in progress.] mostra meno
[All years prior to 1993 missing or very incomplete; all years prior to 2007 need more cover work; 2017 and 2018 in process of entry; all years are a work in progress.] mostra meno
Throughout each year, the language specialists (Lektoren) at the Internationale Jugendbibliothek (International Youth Library / IYL) select recently published books that they consider especially noteworthy. This premium label is given to books of international interest that deserve a wider reception on account of their universal theme and/or their exceptional and often innovative artistic and literary style and design.[All years prior to 1993 missing or very incomplete; all years prior to 2007 need more cover work; 2017 and 2018 in process of entry; all years are a work in progress.] (English, Scritto da un membro)
Der jährlich erscheinende Katalog The White Ravens ist die wichtigste kontinuierliche Publikation der Internationalen Jugendbibliothek. Sie erscheint jeweils im Frühjahr zur Internationalen Kinderbuchmesse in Bologna (Italien). Aus der großen Menge der Rezensions- und Schenkungsexemplare, die die Bibliothek von Verlagen, Institutionen, Organisationen und anderen Freunden der Bibliothek erhält, wählen die Lektoren 250 Neuerscheinungen aus über 40 Ländern in mehr als 30 Sprachen aus. (German, Scritto da un membro)
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