Attributo da WLA School Library Division
Altri nomi: Washington State Otter Award (Inglese)
48 opere 14,070 libri 370 recensioni 3.9
The OTTER (Our Time To Enjoy Reading) Award
For transitional readers in grades K-5, open nominations, committee selected, student voted.
The idea for this award was born at nErDCamp Bellingham in mostra altro February of 2015. The original OTTER co-chairs, Arika Dickens and Monica Hodges, met at the free book table and started chatting about the need for a good list of new transitional chapter books with maybe an award, like the Sasquatch Award, but for younger students. They exchanged Twitter information, piloted the program in their own districts, and applied for the award through WLMA (now WLA School Library Division). mostra meno
For transitional readers in grades K-5, open nominations, committee selected, student voted.
The idea for this award was born at nErDCamp Bellingham in mostra altro February of 2015. The original OTTER co-chairs, Arika Dickens and Monica Hodges, met at the free book table and started chatting about the need for a good list of new transitional chapter books with maybe an award, like the Sasquatch Award, but for younger students. They exchanged Twitter information, piloted the program in their own districts, and applied for the award through WLMA (now WLA School Library Division). mostra meno
Winner 7
Nominee 48
Utenti con più opere
RLNunezKPL (43 opere), JeanLittleLibrary (37), fernandie (28), ltfl_isblib (28), pvlmc (24), LibrarianDest (22), jennybeast (21), arak (20), hooligansmama (20), jalacika (18), kteacherSC (18), GowanScienceAcademy (17), colleen.haase (16), HillsideSchool (16), ltcl (16), marnocat (16), paula-childrenslib (16), alissa.lavender (15), Conway_Library (15), CynthiaM (15), JPolglaze (15), MrsLohman (15), RTB_EdRes (15), Casey.Woodard (14), cherylmorton (14), DWEmma (14), GateCityLibrary (14), kleahey (14), LadyKnightLibrarian (14), rwlmc (14), smit1286 (14), cLoyacano (13), hawt_e (13), MButcher (13), Ms.Allenby (13), bflmc (12), FrontierGirl (12), kineticlibrary (12), mal2012 (12), poindekster (12), Rutherford3 (12), sglmc (12), snarica (12), stewartrr (12), TamiNewell (12), TurtleLibrary (12), adaroom (11), ccscyclones (11), CoolidgeEL (11), coveschool (11), elfschild (11), GusBus (11), mrsheaslip (11), RSTEMLibrary (11), sloth852 (11), titopeter (11), UniversityCo-op (11), AKPinkerton (10), bpaolibrary (10), BrD (10), Brenda_K (10), DonnaReyes (10), emmy_of_spines (10), HHALLC (10), KAB2B (10), kineo-school-library (10), knitpurty74 (10), lcs.denver (10), LutheranSouthUnity (10), Michelle_Hupperten (10), PrairieViewEL (10), ranchorosallibrary (10), RebekahVarga (10), sissauni (10), stefaniemolinaro (10), thewidelibrary (10), ThomasAcademy (10), brudder (9), Christa_Josh (9), ClearwaterPubLib (9), CrimsonSoul (9), GWYN23 (9), HTLSLibrary (9), ICSLibrarySquad (9), jbarry (9), JennyArch (9), kunalibrary (9), LollySoto (9), manateeliz (9), MauraRoseFletcher (9), mffowler (9), njcj2001 (9), OSLS (9), Sharquin (9), StsPPLibrary (9), WendyLawtonHoekstra (9), wrennest (9), Zapkode (9), 1aruthw (8), boopingaround (8), breezeway1 (8), csfoster (8), dvaldez (8), eduscapes (8), FPLD (8), GiftLakeSchool (8), Hope_School (8), inventlearninghub (8), JenniferW. (8), Keller497 (8), mestinson (8), Natalie_Sanfelippo (8), rcp_library (8), santafechristian (8), schatzelk (8), The_Hibernator (8), yowst9 (8), adrienne.wilson (7), anandadaydream (7), AshleyPond (7), BillieBook (7), coastline-christian (7), damnnicks (7), Ebrietas (7), Elena_S (7), EricShipman (7), foxly (7), grpslibrary (7), JacobMahoney (7), JenniferDeFere (7), JSacavage (7), kharkrader (7), Kmkirk17 (7), kmyrae (7), LadySheppard (7), mamasweetbaby (7), MillPondLibrary (7), mollypitchermary (7), MrsThakkar (7), Ms.Snider (7), MsForan (7), NelsonMandelaES (7), ReadMe75 (7), SASTDragonBooks (7), sjstigers (7), stals (7), SWONlibraries (7), travis_carley (7), victorylibrary (7), ViewpointPrinn (7)
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