Pacific Northwest Library Association Young Reader's Choice Award
Attributo da Pacific Northwest Library Association
Altri nomi: Pacific Northwest Library Association Young Reader's Choice (Inglese), PNLA YRCA (Inglese), Young Reader's Choice Award (Inglese), YRCA (Inglese)
734 opere / 741 copie 2,572,065 libri 90,167 recensioni 4.0
The Pacific Northwest Library Association's Young Reader's Choice Award is the oldest children's choice award in the U.S. and Canada. The award was established in 1940 by a Seattle bookseller, the mostra altro late Harry Hartman, who believed every student should have an opportunity to select a book that gives him or her pleasure. mostra meno mostra meno
Winner 134
3rd Place 3
2nd Place 3
Opera | Categoria | Anno |
Legendborn di Tracy Deonn | Intermediate | 2023 |
The Wild di Owen Laukkanen | Intermediate | 2023 |
City Spies di James Ponti | Junior | 2023 |
Nominee 684
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