Carol Wilson (disambiguazione)

"Carol Wilson" è composto da almeno 7 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..


Comprende il nome: Carol Wilson

Suddivisione dell'autore

Carol Wilson (1)

Just 10 Minutes (2007) 23 copie

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
#1 Wilson, Carol (Carol Ann), 1952- author of books on cooking (LC 2004009405)

#2 Wilson, Carol, 1962- author of Freedom at risk (LC 93077988)

#3 Wilson, Carol, author of Best practice in performance coaching (LC undifferentiated 80122160)

#4 Wilson, Carol, a designer in Easy doilies to crochet; editor is Rita Weiss.

#5 Wilson, Carol, author of guide to setting up and running your law office.

#6 Wilson, Carol of Women's Press Collective; cannot identify with #1-#5.