Thomas Middleton (disambiguazione)

"Thomas Middleton" è composto da almeno 3 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..


Suddivisione dell'autore

Thomas Middleton (1)

Misura per misura (1623) — probable reviser — 4,378 copie
The Changeling (1622) 415 copie
The Revenger's Tragedy (1606) 399 copie
English Renaissance Drama (2002) — Collaboratore — 224 copie
Five Plays (1605) 189 copie
The Roaring Girl (1611) 179 copie
Women Beware Women (1657) 176 copie
A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (1968) 122 copie
Five Plays of the English Renaissance (1983) — Collaboratore — 69 copie
Four Jacobean City Plays (Penguin Classics) (1797) — Collaboratore — 63 copie
A Game at Chess (1694) 62 copie
A mad world, my masters (1965) 52 copie
Three Elizabethan Domestic Tragedies (1969) — Collaboratore — 50 copie
The chief Elizabethan dramatists, excluding Shakespeare (1911) — Collaboratore — 48 copie
William Shakespeare and Others: Collaborative Plays (2013) — Collaboratore — 44 copie
Jacobean Tragedies (1969) — Collaboratore — 35 copie
The Witch (1619) 30 copie
Jacobean Drama an Anthology Volume II (1963) — Collaboratore — 28 copie
Sweet Revenge: 10 Plays of Bloody Murder (1992) — Collaboratore — 25 copie
A Fair Quarrel (1974) 25 copie
Michaelmas Term (1966) 23 copie
Classics of the Renaissance Theater: Seven English Plays (1969) — Collaboratore — 23 copie
Thomas Middleton (2013) 20 copie
Three Plays (1975) 20 copie
A Yorkshire Tragedy (1973) 16 copie
A Book of masques : in honour of Allardyce Nicoll (1967) — Collaboratore — 11 copie
Jacobean Civic Pageants (Renaissance Texts & Studies) (1996) — Collaboratore — 8 copie
Routledge Anthology Early Modern Drama (2020) — Collaboratore — 7 copie
Malone Society Collections XV (1994) — Collaboratore — 6 copie
The Phoenix (1980) 4 copie
Thomas Middleton Vol. 2 (1887) 3 copie
The family of love (1979) — attributed author — 2 copie
Timon of Athens : as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal on Richmond-Green (1969) — Autore, alcune edizioni; alcune edizioni2 copie
The Ancient British drama, in three volumes — Collaboratore — 2 copie
The ghost of Lucrece (2013) 1 copia
Zwodnica 1 copia

Thomas Middleton (sconosciuto)

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
#1 is Thomas Middleton (1580-1627) the English playwright and poet. #2 is Thomas H. Middleton, 20th century crossword editor.