Lucy Smith (disambiguazione)

"Lucy Smith" è composto da almeno 7 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..


Comprende i nomi: LUCYSMITH, Ms Lucy Smith

Suddivisione dell'autore

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
#1 Smith, Lucy, author of How to draw horses (LC undifferentiated 94018988)

#2 Smith, Lucy, 1775-1856, mother of Joseph Smith; full name Lucy Mack Smith (LC 88642892)

#3 Smith, Lucy, 1934- author of Barn og foreldre (Children and parents) (LC 81138588)

#4 Smith, Lucy, author of Kampen på aksjemarkedet; not the same as #3.

#5 Smith, Lucy, author of The Sunday arrangement.

#6 Smith, Lucy, author of Triathlon basics.

#7 Smith, Lucy, author of How they made it.