Susan Perry (disambiguazione)

"Susan Perry" è composto da almeno 6 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..

Suddivisione dell'autore

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
#1 Perry, Susan, 1950- author of Natural menopause; may use Susan L. Perry (LC 80053343)

#2 Perry, Susan, 1965- author of Manipulative monkeys 2002014784)

#3 Perry, Susan, author of A text response guide to Wild Cat Falling by Mudrooroo (Colin Johnson)

#4 Perry, Susan, author of Holiness and the feminine spirit (LC undifferentiated 88625496)

#5 Perry, Susan, author of Remembering O-Sensei (LC undifferentiated 88625496)

#6 Perry, Susan, author of Ontario country diary (LC undifferentiated 88625496)

#7 Perry, Susan, author of Mother cub.