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Opere di Rajiv Parti


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Nome canonico
Parti, Rajiv



This is another good NDE account by a doctor.
The author was a distinguished anesthesiologist; but he was materialistic, lacking in empathy, and disinclined to listen to his patients’ accounts of their NDEs.

He becomes afflicted with prostate cancer, has to have several operations and becomes addicted to painkillers. During an operation he leaves his body and sees what the operating team is doing to him, and hears the anesthesiologist’s off-colour joke. At the same time he gets a vision of his mother and sister in their home thousands of miles away.

During the NDE Rajiv nears a place from which he hears “screams and moans of pain and anguish as wildfire moved over burned souls that withered from the intense heat”. He smells the odour of burning flesh and knows he is “on the lip of hell”.

A voice tells him that he has led a materialistic and selfish life, was arrogant and lacking in empathy and he recalls the various patients to whom he has turned a deaf ear. He realizes he has acted like a robot.

Rajiv is married with three children, and is particularly hard on his eldest son, Raghav, whom he has pushed to study medicine. He is cruel to his son, as his own father was cruel to him.

In his NDE at the edge of hell, he is saved by his dead father, now transformed into a man at peace with himself.

He also sees his grandfather, who states, Love is the most important thing there is”. His father adds “Love is the best way to discipline because gentleness inspires respect”. He also tells him, “Anger is a choice.”

He can see the light at the end of the tunnel, “bright and powerful like a thousand suns”. He is pulled toward it – “the magnetic pull of pure and true love”.

Then he is pulled back into a past life. He is a Prince of the regions where he whips farmers tilling his land. A voice tells him to beg the farmers for forgiveness, which he does. When they touch him, he feels “loving jolts” like electricity; this heals a ligament tear in his wrist which has caused him pain for years.

A rapid review of lives follows, and then comes a life as a grower of poppies from which he produces opium, He is himself an opium addict.

The voice tells him, “You have another life and another chance to cure your addictions.”

Then R. is in the tunnel again and ahead is a bright light; his father leads him towards the light. He is informed that “pure love is the base reality, the underlying fabric of everything in the universe.” “Enlightenment comes when a person realizes that love is everywhere and is the only thing that matters.”

The three move toward the Being of Light. It is a “silver-blue form” neither male nor female. When the Being whispers in his ear, “omniscient, all-powerful love” pervades everything.

The Being of Light tells R. that he will become a healer of the soul, showing others how to heal addiction, depression and chronic pain, these same problems R. had. He would no longer be an anesthesiologist but a practitioner of consciousness-based healing. Instead of putting people to sleep, he will now wake them up.

R. would have to teach himself what consciousness-based healing was; but he already had the knowledge.

He felt that the Being might have been Jesus.

R. was ignored by medical staff to whom he recounted his NDE. They said they would come back and hear his story in more detail, but they never did. He felt he was a “victim of karma” because this was exactly how he had reacted to his patients who had had NDEs. He had said he would return to hear their stories but never did.

The angels told R. that addiction can be the result of an unfulfilled spiritual journey. This makes sense to me. I know that people with a strong Neptune in their horoscope can become alcoholics/drug addicts. If they “find God” or become open to their spirituality, they can renounce their addiction. By using their Neptune in a positive way, they can drop the negative aspects of the planet.

After his NDE, R. works very hard at releasing his materialism – he gives up the fancy cars and the family moves to a smaller, less ostentatious house.

The author describes in detail his various experiences during the NDE. Afterwards, he maintains contact with the Archangels Michael and Raphael through his meditations.

R.’s best friend Naresh is dying of cancer and despite R.’s efforts Naresh apparently cannot be helped. But when the time comes for Naresh to pass over, R. has a “shared-death” experience in the middle of the night where he meets Jesus. The following day he finds out that the experience occurred at the exact time of Naresh’s passing.

This is a comprehensive, inspiring book. It contains an “inner light” meditation by which to connect to the inner spiritual light. I haven’t tried it yet but will do so. The author tells us it is “incredibly effective ín seeing a spiritual light”.

I highly recommend that you read this wonderful book describing R.’s near-death experience and his subsequent complete transformation.
… (altro)
IonaS | Aug 15, 2017 |

