Leslie Parrott (disambiguazione)

"Leslie Parrott" è composto da almeno 2 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..


Suddivisione dell'autore

Leslie Parrott (1)

Opere a cui è stato assegnato l'alias Leslie L. Parrott.

Relationships (1998) 230 copie
Becoming Soul Mates (1995) 157 copie
The love list (2002) 135 copie
God Made You Nose To Toes (2001) 108 copie
The First Drop of Rain (2009) 50 copie
Relationships Workbook (1998) 38 copie
Love Is . . . (1999) 37 copie
Marshmallow Clouds (2003) 23 copie
Easy to Live With (1970) 9 copie
Just Touch Me 1 copia

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
The disambiguation notice area is used to provide information that helps distinguish one author from another. Do not use the canonical name field or the other names field for this purpose.
#1 Parrott, Leslie L., 1964- author of books on marriage with Les Parrott, her husband (LC 95008238)

#2 Parrott, Leslie, 1922-2007, author of The habits of happiness; father of Les Parrott; sometimes credited as Les Parrott Sr. (LC 9134937)