Terence O'Donnell (disambiguazione)

"Terence O'Donnell" è composto da almeno 2 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..


Suddivisione dell'autore

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
Terence O'Donnell 1924-2001 is the author of Garden of the Brave in War: Recollections of Iran. He spent 15 years in Iran and now lives in Oregon, writing mainly about Oregon history.

Terence O'Donnell O.F.M. is an Irish Franciscan friar and the author of Father John Colgan, O.F.M., 1592-1658.

Terence O'Donnell (1888-?) was the author of History of life insurance in its formative years, and probably also of The Lenore:a Maritime Chronicle, which was first published in 1926.