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Comprende il nome: by Claire North

Comprende anche: Catherine Webb (1), Kate Griffin (2)

Nota di disambiguazione:

(eng) Claire North is a pseudonym of British writer Catherine Webb (who also writes under the name Kate Griffin).  As there are other authors named "Catherine Webb" and "Kate Griffin", do not combine this page with either of those.


Opere di Claire North

Le prime quindici vite di Harry August (2014) 3,145 copie, 178 recensioni
A Madness of Angels (2009) 1,180 copie, 44 recensioni
Touch (2015) 636 copie, 51 recensioni
The Sudden Appearance of Hope (2016) 635 copie, 37 recensioni
The Midnight Mayor (2010) 543 copie, 19 recensioni
Ithaca (2022) 502 copie, 17 recensioni
84K (2018) 446 copie, 17 recensioni
The Neon Court (2011) 341 copie, 10 recensioni
The End of the Day (2017) 332 copie, 21 recensioni
Stray Souls (2012) 324 copie, 21 recensioni
The Pursuit of William Abbey (2019) 252 copie, 13 recensioni
The Minority Council (2012) 247 copie, 12 recensioni
Notes from the Burning Age (2021) 232 copie, 8 recensioni
The Gameshouse (2019) 193 copie, 5 recensioni
The Glass God (2013) 162 copie, 6 recensioni
House of Odysseus (2023) 135 copie, 9 recensioni
Waywalkers (2003) 124 copie, 2 recensioni
The Serpent (2015) 94 copie, 3 recensioni
Il mago dei sogni (2002) 79 copie, 2 recensioni
Timekeepers (2004) 75 copie, 1 recensione
The Thief (2015) 56 copie, 2 recensioni
The Master (2015) 55 copie, 2 recensioni
Mirror Wakes (2003) 54 copie, 2 recensioni
The Last Song of Penelope (2024) 52 copie, 5 recensioni
Irregularity (2014) — Collaboratore — 30 copie, 1 recensione
Sweet Harmony (2020) 29 copie, 3 recensioni
Waywalkers | Timekeepers (2010) 6 copie

Opere correlate

The Djinn Falls in Love & Other Stories (2017) — Collaboratore — 283 copie, 12 recensioni
2001: An Odyssey in Words: Celebrating the Centenary of Arthur C. Clarke's Birth (2018) — Collaboratore — 55 copie, 13 recensioni
Short Stories (2004) — Collaboratore — 7 copie
Black Mirror Volume 1: A Literary Season (2018) — Collaboratore — 6 copie
The Alchemy Press Book of Urban Mythic (2013) — Collaboratore — 3 copie


Informazioni generali

Nome legale
Webb, Catherine
Altri nomi
Griffin, Kate
North, Claire
Data di nascita
Nazione (per mappa)
England, UK
Luogo di residenza
London, England, UK
Nota di disambiguazione
Claire North is a pseudonym of British writer Catherine Webb (who also writes under the name Kate Griffin).  As there are other authors named "Catherine Webb" and "Kate Griffin", do not combine this page with either of those.



I liked this book, I liked the writing style and the plot was quite engaging, it kept me reading until the very end. There were a few unnecessary digressions here and there but overall it was not very disturbing and did not interrupt the flow of the story. I have to agree however with some of the reviews here, that the evolution of the main character in terms of personality and wisdom etc. over the many centuries he had lived is not apparent and it is something that has probably been left underdeveloped or neglected. Some science-fiction elements were left also underdeveloped, either on purpose or unintentionally, I don't know. The ending could have been slightly more embellished because it seems (as in many novels) to have been cut a little too short.… (altro)
francogrex | 177 altre recensioni | Aug 31, 2024 |
Wasitora | 43 altre recensioni | Aug 27, 2024 |
I loved reading the other two works in this series - but this one is my favorite and I found it more emotionially satisfying. Kudos.
VictoriaJZ | 4 altre recensioni | Aug 11, 2024 |
This is the second novel of Claire North's that I've read, the first being [b:The End of the Day|31408829|The End of the Day|Claire North||52102281]. Based on these reading experiences, I think I prefer North's genuinely fascinating ideas to her writing style. I find the latter involves a lot more tell than show, manifesting in verbose inner monologues that wear a bit thin. This is entirely personal preference, of course. I found a lot to appreciate in 'The Pursuit of William Abbey' and definitely enjoyed it more than [b:The End of the Day|31408829|The End of the Day|Claire North||52102281]. The concept is this: in 1884 William Abbey stood by and watched while an African child was brutally lynched, and the child's mother placed a curse upon him. The shadow of the murdered child follows him relentlessly at a walking pace and as soon as it touches him, the person he loves most dies. When the shadow is merely near, however, he is essentially psychic, able to 'read the truth of someone's heart'. Once he and the reader understand this, which takes a little while, the substantive plot begins. While I found the pace rather inconsistent, the latter half of the book is really involving and builds considerable tension. Two moments stand out in particular. The revelation that Hideo has been lobotomised by Albert into permanent truth-speaking and the tragic death of Margot's daughter were both shocking and powerful. However it may not be coincidence that neither revolved around William, as I was less invested in his fate.

The overarching theme of the novel is the damage caused by colonialism. While this is certainly conveyed very effectively, the tell-not-show approach was not always to my taste. I would also have preferred the narrative to be grounded more concretely in historical events. Many of the main characters are spies and agitators, yet their activities are not woven into actual political debates and upheavals of the late 19th and early 20th century. It would have been great for actual politicians and revolutionaries of that period to appear. As it is, the novel generally felt more like an alternate universe than a historical novel with supernatural elements. Still, I did appreciate the sense of technological change over time. Although I didn't find William Abbey himself a very interesting character, he made a good foil for a cast of appealing secondary characters. Above all, I loved the exploration of how the truth-speaker's curse was experienced, interpreted, and exploited very differently in a range of cultural contexts. The story is one of continual movement to evade pursuit and the dread this evokes builds very well indeed. However, after this impressive level of tension had been built, I found the ending rather a cop-out. One can only assume that William and Albert were both killed in no man's land. This ambiguity was a bit disappointing. I assumed William would allow Langa to catch up with him, killing Albert who is perhaps the only person still alive that was once his friend. Despite my doubts about the style, I found 'The Pursuit of William Abbey' thrilling and involving.
… (altro)
annarchism | 12 altre recensioni | Aug 4, 2024 |


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