Swami Muktananda (disambiguazione)

"Swami Muktananda" è composto da almeno 2 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..


Comprende il nome: Muktananda Swami

Suddivisione dell'autore

Swami Muktananda (1)

Meditate (1980) 81 copie
Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science (1984) — Collaboratore — 52 copie
The Nectar of Chanting (1975) 43 copie
Secret of the Siddhas (1983) 39 copie
I Have Become Alive (1735) 22 copie
Does death really exist? (1981) 18 copie
Selected essays (1977) 17 copie
Mystery of the Mind (1983) 15 copie
Reflections of the Self (1980) 14 copie
Light on the Path (1994) 12 copie
Siddha Meditation (1975) 8 copie
God Is with You (1993) 7 copie
Lalleshwari (1981) 7 copie
A Book for the Mind (1993) 6 copie
Kundalini Stavah (1980) 6 copie
Ashram Dharma (1995) 5 copie
I Love You (1993) 3 copie
J'ai trouvé la vie (1998) 2 copie
Lumière sur le chemin (1987) 1 copia
Du fini à l'infini (1998) 1 copia
Soham-Japa 1 copia
El despertar interior (1979) 1 copia
Medita (1981) 1 copia

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
Do Not Combine Dissimilar Names with Split Authors

The female sannyasin and yoga teacher Swami Muktananda Saraswati (also know as Muktanand Meannjin) - listed here as author (2), is of the Satyananda Yoga / Bihar School of Yoga lineage. Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa of Siddha Yoga is listed as author (1).