Immagine dell'autore.

Yuyi Morales

Autore di Dreamers

9+ opere 3,949 membri 502 recensioni 2 preferito


Comprende il nome: Yuyi Morales

Fonte dell'immagine: Author Yuyi Morales at the 2016 Texas Book Festival. By Larry D. Moore, CC BY-SA 4.0,


Opere di Yuyi Morales

Dreamers (2018) 1,281 copie, 132 recensioni
Just a Minute! A Trickster Tale and Counting Book (2003) 624 copie, 88 recensioni
Niño Wrestles the World (2013) 607 copie, 77 recensioni
Viva Frida (2014) 577 copie, 81 recensioni
Bright Star (2021) 240 copie, 14 recensioni
Little Night / Nochecita (2007) 211 copie, 25 recensioni
Rudas: Niño's Horrendous Hermanitas (2016) 98 copie, 10 recensioni

Opere correlate

Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez (2003) — Illustratore — 1,213 copie, 73 recensioni
Thunder Boy Jr. (2016) — Illustratore — 811 copie, 111 recensioni
Los Gatos Black on Halloween (2006) — Illustratore — 272 copie, 48 recensioni
My Abuelita (2009) — Illustratore — 223 copie, 42 recensioni
America the Beautiful: Together We Stand (2013) — Illustratore — 174 copie, 11 recensioni
Ladder to the Moon (2011) — Illustratore — 171 copie, 23 recensioni
The Wild Book (2012) — Immagine di copertina, alcune edizioni155 copie, 11 recensioni
Georgia in Hawaii: When Georgia O'Keeffe Painted What She Pleased (2012) — Illustratore — 125 copie, 15 recensioni
Floating on Mama's Song (2010) — Illustratore — 55 copie, 7 recensioni
Sand Sister (2004) — Illustratore — 52 copie, 5 recensioni


Informazioni generali

Data di nascita
Luogo di nascita
Xalapa, Mexico
Luogo di residenza
San Francisco, California, USA
Attività lavorative
children's book author
children's book illustrator



I enjoyed this book because it shows the power of knowledge and the world it opens up to you, especially at a young age like the character in the book. Babies are geniuses, they're like a sponge reading to absorb and acquire all things put in front of them.
Julian090 | 131 altre recensioni | Sep 10, 2024 |
Personal story about immigrants in the unknown, nervous but excited. Dreaming of what the future holds.
Book is trans-languiging which means some words are in another language and not translated.
daniela.vasa | 131 altre recensioni | Sep 10, 2024 |
This is an incredibly beautiful book; both illustrations and words use a baby deer as a metaphor for a young girl whose life is changing as she leaves her life in the harsh and beautiful borderlands. Not knowing what awaits her, the author/illustrator uses the lovely image of a baby fawn whose mother has just birthed her.

Scared and vulnerable, the baby doe does not know what awaits her in life. All noises are scary, food and water are necessary, yet where can they be found? And, as the mother protects her baby, she attempts to provide security in this new and very strange land.

And, in the strange land, the mother reminds her baby that she is a bright star inside the hearts of many. Hurting and feeling afraid are a part of the journey of life to remind her she is not alone.

The author notes in her description of why she made this book, that The Tohono O'odham Nation have lived in the desert for many generations, and now a security fence stops them from freely crossing to this own home land on the other side of the border. She states that she made the book "knowing that children everywhere, but especially migrant children at the borderlands, have experienced things that they should never have to endure."

Written in both English and Spanish, I highly recommend this stunning book!
… (altro)
Whisper1 | 13 altre recensioni | Sep 5, 2024 |
While looking through the library shelves of illustrated books, this one caught my attention. It is a very lovely book. From the inside jacket, "What if you dreamed of a new life, and it came to you?"

"What if that new life led you to a new country where no one spoke your language, where you felt alone and ignored?"

"What if you had to make the new place your home?"

"What if you had to make that new place your home?"

"What if you found that home in a world of books?"

"And, what if it all were true?'

Highly recommended!! Five Stars
… (altro)
Whisper1 | 131 altre recensioni | Jun 22, 2024 |


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