Ireland (disambiguazione)

"Ireland" è composto da almeno 4 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..

Suddivisione dell'autore

Ireland (1)

Opere a cui è stato assegnato l'alias Republic of Ireland.

National Heritage Plan (2002) 2 copie
Final report (2002) 2 copie
White paper on defence (2000) 1 copia
First progress report (1998) 1 copia
Second progress report (1997) 1 copia
Interim report (1996) 1 copia

Ireland (2)

Baby for Hire (1999) 6 copie

Ireland (sconosciuto)

Ireland 3 copie
Framework and Principles (1999) 3 copie
Mom for a Week (1994) 1 copia
UN Convention Rights (1998) 1 copia
International Joyce (2004) 1 copia
Piano Works 1 (1997) 1 copia
Avis 1 copia
Budget 1 copia
Guide Book 1 copia

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
If your book appears on this page, please edit your information to include the author's full name. Your book should then appear on the correct author page. Thank you for your help.
#1 Ireland is the country: this is used as an author name for various official government publications.
#3 Norma Olin Ireland
#5 Forthspring Inter Community Group