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Comprende il nome: Bryus Greyson

Opere di Bruce Greyson

Opere correlate

Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century (2006) — Collaboratore — 104 copie, 1 recensione


Informazioni generali

Data di nascita
Attività lavorative
Professor of Psychiatric Medicine



A startling incident that occurred when Bruce Greyson was an intern propelled him to embark on a decades-long study of near-death experiences (NDEs). Dr. Greyson, who is a psychiatrist, was summoned to the bedside of Holly, a university student who had taken an overdose, was now stable, but had not yet regained consciousness. Much to his shock, when Holly awoke, she told him a strange story about her spirit leaving her body. Not only did she accurately describe a stain on Greyson's tie that she could not have seen, but she also recounted a conversation that the doctor had had with the patient's roommate in another room. Although he was initially skeptical, Greyson thought that was a subject worth investigating. When he finished his training, the doctor became medical school professor, treated patients, and in addition, helped establish the International Association of Near-Death Studies. In his book, "After," Dr. Greyson explores "what near-death experiences reveal about life and beyond."

This starling work of non-fiction will interest readers who have an open mind about puzzling phenomena. How is it possible for someone to come back from the dead after drowning, suffering a heart attack, being severely injured in an accident, or having attempted suicide, and then recount in minute detail what he or she saw and felt? The author and his colleagues interviewed thousands of people, and what they discovered is eye-opening. Many of the men, women, and children who "came back" reported meeting loved ones who had died (including a few who passed away while the subjects were still unconscious!), having a sense of timelessness and bliss, and reliving scenes from their past.

Whether or not one accepts the possibility of NDEs, it is fascinating to note that those who claim to have had them may subsequently change in remarkable ways. Examples include the following: They no longer fear death; begin to believe in a higher power; become less materialistic and more charitable; and value life more than ever before. A small number kept their NDEs secret for a while, lest their relatives and physicians accuse them of hallucinating. Greyson's humanity, compassion, and dedication to scientific inquiry are impressive. He enlightens us with engrossing anecdotes and draws thought-provoking conclusions from the evidence that he gathered over forty-five years of research. This is an absorbing examination of a much talked-about but little-understood topic. Greyson suggests that our understanding of our brains and minds (the two are interrelated but not identical) is still in its infancy. In "After," the author offers a lucid and evidence-based assessment of NDEs, and proposes various theories about what they may signify.
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booklover1801 | 8 altre recensioni | Aug 9, 2024 |
Greyson does an impeccable job writing about a subject many would consider frivolous and nonsensical. As a skeptic myself I wasn't sure it'd be worth my time. In fact this book truly amazed me and in some ways changed me. I highly recommend for anyone with an open mind.
1 vota
ReneeMercer | 8 altre recensioni | Aug 7, 2022 |
A really good qualitiative approach and exposition of the authors considerable expertise in the field of Near Death Experiences, the role they play in individuals lives and how they can act as agents precipitating change, mainly for the good, but for the bad too. Interspersed with individual accounts are references to studies and evidence which support or refute the particular view that’s being articulated. Very good and interesting for the general reader.
1 vota
aadyer | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 12, 2022 |
Death: it's final. The end. This book is what comes "after" if your heart stops for a brief moment in time and you manage to come back from the deep unknown with some type of recollection.

This book is full of reports from people with near-death experiences. While there are hundreds of stories over the years, no one knows for sure what actually happens when someone dies. Dr. Bruce Greyson begins by revealing his disbelief and later finding himself in an unexplainable experience with a patient. He continues to search for answers with scientific findings.

For those interested in near-death experiences, this book may answer your questions - and more. It's a good one to read. This book adds to what others have written on this subject with a thorough review.
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Jacsun | 8 altre recensioni | Oct 5, 2021 |

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