Michael Baron (disambiguazione)

"Michael Baron" è composto da almeno 5 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..


Suddivisione dell'autore

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
#1 Michael Baron, author of The Mourning Sexton, is a pseudonym of Michael A. Kahn (b. July 28, 1952) (Cf. LC 2004023027)

#2 Baron, Michael, 1968- Probability and statistics for computer scientists (LC 2006061086)

#3 Baron, Michael, author of Crossing the bridge; pseudonym of unknown author (he does not wish his name known) (LC undifferentiated 80006860) - but has in fact been identified as Lou Aronica

#4 Baron, Michael, 1947- author of Language and relationship in Wordsworth's writing (LC 86011444 )

#5 Baron, Michael, author of On a bat's wing; cannot identify with #4.