Saint Augustine (354–430)
Autore di Confessioni
Saint Augustine was born to a Catholic mother and a pagan father on November 13, 354, at Thagaste, near Algiers. He studied Latin literature and later taught rhetoric in Rome and Milan. He originally joined the Manicheans, a religious sect, but grew unhappy with some of their philosophies. After mostra altro his conversion to Christianity and his baptism in 387, Augustine developed his own approach to philosophy and theology, accommodating a variety of methods and different perspectives. He believed that the grace of Christ was indispensable to human freedom, and he framed the concepts of original sin and just war. His thoughts greatly influenced the medieval worldview. One of Augustine's major goals was a single, unified church. He was ordained a priest in 391 and appointed Bishop of Hippo, in Roman Africa, in 396. Augustine was one of the most prolific Latin authors in terms of surviving works, and the list of his works consists of more than one hundred separate titles. His writings and arguments with other sects include the Donatists and the Pelagians. On the Trinity, The City of God, and On Nature and Grace are some of his important writings. Confessions, which is considered his masterpiece, is an autobiographical work that recounts his restless youth and details the spiritual experiences that led him to Christianity. Many of Augustine's ideas, such as those concerning sin and predestination, became integral to the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. In the Catholic Church he is a saint and pre-eminent Doctor of the Church, and the patron of the Augustinians. He is the patron saint of brewers, printers, and theologians. Augustine died on August 28, 430. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno
Fonte dell'immagine: Wikimedia
Opere di Saint Augustine
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Volume 05: St. Augustine: Anti-Pelagian Writings (1956) 334 copie, 2 recensioni
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Volume 02: St. Augustine: City of God, Christian Doctrine (1956) 326 copie, 3 recensioni
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Volume 08: St. Augustine: Expositions on the Psalms (1956) 298 copie, 1 recensione
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Volume 03: St. Augustine: On the Holy Trinity, Doctrinal Treatises, Moral… (1956) 290 copie, 2 recensioni
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Volume 01: St. Augustine: Prolegomena, Life and Work, Confessions,… (1956) 287 copie, 2 recensioni
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Volume 04: St. Augustine: The Writings against the Manichaeans and… (1956) 273 copie, 1 recensione
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Volume 07: St. Augustine: Gospel of John, First Epistle of John,… (1956) 251 copie, 2 recensioni
On Genesis (Vol. I/13) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (1990) 198 copie
Essential Sermons: (Classroom Resource Edition) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (2007) 86 copie, 1 recensione
Homilies on the Gospel of John 1-40 (Vol III/12) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (2009) 83 copie
Commentary on the Lord's Sermon on the Mount, with Seventeen Related Sermons (1951) 66 copie, 2 recensioni
The Immortality of the Soul; The Magnitude of the Soul; On Music; The Advantage of Believing; On Faith in Things Unseen (1947) 61 copie
Marriage and Virginity (Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (1996) 60 copie
You Converted Me: The Confessions of St. Augustine (Classics of Christian Faith for Today's Readers) (2006) 53 copie, 1 recensione
Writings of Saint Augustine. Volume IV. Christian Instruction, Admonition and Grace, The Christian Combat, Faith, Hope… (2002) 45 copie
Treatises on Various Subjects: The Christian Life, Lying, Against Lying, Continence, Patience, The Excellence of… (1952) 44 copie
Agostino interprete di Paolo: Commento di alcune questioni tratte dalla lettera ai Romani, Commento incompiuto della… (1982) 42 copie
Obras de San Agustin. 41 copie
The Complete Works of Saint Augustine: The Confessions, On Grace and Free Will, The City of God, On Christian Doctrine,… (2011) 41 copie
Augustine's Commentary on Galatians: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Notes (2003) — Autore — 37 copie
Answer to the Pelagians I (Vol. I/23) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (1997) 36 copie
Saint Augustine: The Happy Life, Answer to Skeptics, Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil, Soliloquies [Fathers of… (1948) 36 copie
Answer to the Pelagians II (Vol. I/24) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (1999) 33 copie
Selected Writings on Grace and Pelagianism (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (Works of… (2011) 31 copie
Sermons 1-19 (Vol. III/1) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (1990) 30 copie
Arianism and Other Heresies (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (1995) 28 copie
Sermons 306-340A (Vol. III/9) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (1994) 27 copie
Sermons 273-305A (Vol. III/8) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (1994) 26 copie
New Testament I & II (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (2014) 24 copie
Sermons 341-400 (Vol. III/10) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) (1982) 23 copie
Answer to Faustus, a Manichean: Volume 20 (The Works of Saint Augustine, a Translation for the 21st Century: Part 1 -… (2007) 22 copie
Essential Expositions of the Psalms: (Classroom Resource Edition) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the… (2015) 21 copie
Restless Till We Rest in You: 60 Reflections from the Writings of St. Augustine (The Saints Speak Today Series) (1998) 18 copie
Christian Classics: Confessions of Saint Augustine: The Imitation of Christ: Pilgrim's Progress (1997) — Collaboratore — 18 copie
Sermons: 94A-147A (Works of Saint Augustine, a Translation for the 21st Century: Part 3 - Sermons (Homilies)) (1992) 13 copie
Wat betekent de bijbel? : christelijke scholing in tekstbegrip en presentatie : De doctrina christiana (1999) 12 copie
The pilgrim city : social and political ideas in the writings of St. Augustine of Hippo (2001) 12 copie
Epistulae. Selections (Latin) 11 copie
Sobre o Sermao do Senhor na Montanha: Incluido o Pai-nosso - Edicao Bilingue Latim e Portugues 11 copie
An Augustine treasury: Religious imagery selections taken from the writings of Saint Augustine (1981) 11 copie
The Happy Life; Answer to Sceptics; Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil, Soliloquies (Fathers of the Church… (2008) 11 copie
Amore assoluto e " Terza navigazione: Commento alla Prima Lettera di Giovanni : Commento al Vangelo di Giovanni (Testi… (1994) 10 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. I Escritos filosóficos (1º): Introducción y biografía general. Vida de San… (1994) 10 copie
Als korrels tussen kaf : preken over teksten uit het Marcus- en het Lucasevangelie : (sermones de scripturis 94A-116… (2002) 10 copie
CCEL Classics CD: works by Saint Augustine, John Calvin, John Donne, Julian of Norwich, Brother Lawrence, Martin… (2006) — Autore — 10 copie
A graça ( II ): A graça e a liberdade. A correção e a graça. A predestinação dos santos . O dom da perseverança (2000) 9 copie, 2 recensioni
Sermons 9 copie
Writings of Saint Augustine 9 copie
What Augustine says 9 copie
Expositions of the Psalms 8 copie
The St. Augustine LifeGuide : words to live by from the great Christian saint (2006) 7 copie, 1 recensione
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXXVIII: Escritos antiarrianos y otros herejes: Las herejías. Sermón de los… (1990) 7 copie
The teaching of St. Augustine on prayer & the contemplative life; a translation of various passages from the… (1935) 7 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXX: Escritos antimaniqueos (1.º): Las dos almas del hombre. Actas del debate contra… (1986) 7 copie
Introduction to St. Augustine, the City of God. Being selections from the De Civitate Dei including most of the XIXth… (1950) 6 copie
Dialogi filozoficzne 5 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. V: Escritos apologéticos (2.º): La Trinidad: 5 (NORMAL) (2006) 4 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXVI Sermones (6º) 339-396. Sobre temas diversos. Índices bíblico, litúrgico y… (1985) 4 copie, 1 recensione
Obras completas de San Agustin. 4 copie
The Confessions of St. Augustine. Translated by E. B. Pusey [Everyman's Library, No. 200] (1945) 4 copie
Il maestro interiore 4 copie
O Sermão da Montanha 4 copie
22: Le lettere 2. 124-184/A: testo latino dall'edizione maurina confrontato con il Corpus scriptorum… (1969) 4 copie
The Fathers of the Church: A New Translation: Saint Peter Chrysologus Selected Sermons and Saint Valerian Homilies… (1953) 4 copie
Sermões para a Páscoa 4 copie
Oeuvres de Saint Augustin. 73A [9e série], Homélies sur l'évangile de Saint Jean 34-43 (1988) 4 copie
Dialoghi 4 copie
La vera religione. 1, La vera religione. Utilita del credere [u.a.] / introd. particolari, trad., note e indici di… (1995) 4 copie
H5.2: La Icitta di Dio 2., Libro 11.-18.: testo latino dell'edizione maurina confrontato con il Corpus Christianorum (1988) 4 copie
Enarrationes in Psalmos (1-59) 3 copie
De musica : Bücher I und VI : vom ästhetischen Urteil zur metaphysischen Erkenntnis : lateinisch-deutsch (2002) 3 copie
S. Aurelii Augustini Confessiones: Ad fidem codicum Lipsiensium et editionum antiquiorum recognitas (2010) 3 copie
St. Augustine 3 copie
26: Esposizioni sui Salmi. 2.: testo latino dall'edizione maurina ripresa sostanzialmente dal Corpus Christianorum (1970) 3 copie
Five Seminars on Musicianship 3 copie
27: Esposizioni sui salmi 3: Testo latino dall'edizione maurina ripresa sostanzialmente dal corpus christianorum (1993) 3 copie
Holy virginity (Selections from the works of the Fathers of the Church in pamphlet form) (1961) 3 copie
Select Anti-Pelagian Treatises of St. Augustine and the Acts of the Second Council of Orange (1880) 3 copie
Confesiones de San Agustín: Hablando al corazón por más de dieciséis siglos con el mensaje del poder de Dios para… (2014) 3 copie
Dels Acadèmics. 3 copie
The retractations 3 copie
Confissões 3 copie
Patrística - A natureza do bem / O castigo e o perdão dos pecados / O batismo das crianças - Vol. 40 (2005) 3 copie
Opera omnia. Natura e grazia. Gli atti di Pelagio, La grazia di Cristo e il peccato originale, L'anima e la sua… (1981) 3 copie
La riconciliazione cristiana 3 copie
Expositions of the Psalms: 1-32 3 copie
Patrística - A verdadeira religião | O cuidado devido aos mortos - Vol. 19 (Portuguese Edition) (2014) 3 copie
Sermons 3 copie
The Happy Life; Soliloquies 3 copie
Divi Aurelii Augustini, hipponensis episcopi, Meditationes, Soliloquia et Manuale: accesserunt: et 3 copie
uvres de saint Augustin, I-VII = De Genesi ad litteram libri duodecim / La Gen au sens littl en douze livres (2000) 3 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXIX Escritos bíblicos (5.º). Anotaciones al libro de Job. Las concordancia de los… (1992) 3 copie
Wijsheid van leerlingen : preken over teksten uit de Handelingen van de Apostelen : (sermones de scripturis 148-150) (2007) 2 copie
De civitate Dei (Auswahl) 2 copie
Aurelius Augustinus, De musica liber VI : a critical edition with a translation and an introduction (2002) 2 copie
Augustinus over het Credo 2 copie
God zoeken met de zinnen? : de leefwijze van de kerk en de leefwijze van de manicheeërs (2008) 2 copie
Die Lüge und Gegen die Lüge 2 copie
Augustinus over den staat 2 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. XL: Escritos varios (2.º): Ochenta y tres cuestiones diversas. La adivinación… (1995) 2 copie
Obras de San Agustin. 19 : Enarraciones sobre los Salmos / ed. prep. por Balbino Martin Perez ; 1 2 copie
Obras de San Agustin. 21 : Enarraciones sobre los Salmos / ed. prep. por Balbino Martin Perez ; 3 2 copie
Obras de Sant Agustin. 2 copie
Erce, Gregorio (ed.). 2 copie
Luis, Pio de. 2 copie
Obras de San Agustiin. 2 copie
Obras de San Agustin. 22 : Enarraciones sobre los Salmos / ed. prep. por Balbino Martin Perez ; 4 2 copie
Opervm 2 copie
Vital Missions Issues 2 copie
From Fear To Freedom 2 copie
Commentaire de la Première Épître de S. Jean [Commentary on the First Epistle of Saint John] 2 copie
La Création du monde et le Temps/Le Ciel et la Terre (Folio Sagesses) (French Edition) (2017) 2 copie
Obras de San Agustin. 20 : Enarraciones sobre los Salmos / ed. prep. por Balbino Martin Perez ; 2 2 copie
Proti akademikom 2 copie
Agostino 2 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXV Sermones (5º) 273-338. Sermones sobre los mártires (1984) 2 copie
La Genesi (vol. 1) 2 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXXVII: Escritos antipelagianos (5.º): Réplica a Juliano (Libros… (1985) 2 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXXVI Escritos antipelagianos (4.º). Réplica a Juliano (Libros I-III) (1985) 2 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXXV Escritos antipelagianos (3.º). La perfección de la justicia del hombre. El… (1984) 2 copie
Soliloqui 2 copie
Commento ai Salmi 2 copie
Amore. Il nutrimento dell'anima 2 copie
Confesiones de San Agustín 2 copie
Ciudad de Dios 2 copie
Œuvres de Saint Augustin [...] Dialogues philosophiques ; 4. La musique : de musica libri sex 2 copie
Enarrationes in Psalmos 2 copie
Il filosofo e la fede: Soliloqui, La vera religione, L'utilità del credere, La fede nelle cose che non si vedono (1989) 2 copie
The church and mankind 2 copie
The unity of Christians 2 copie
The Word of God and mankind 2 copie
Baptism in the New Testament 2 copie
Bd. 1. (Buch 1 - 7) 2 copie
[Primeros escritos 2 copie
Tratados 2 copie
La dignit del matrimonio 2 copie
Confissões 2 copie
O zgodności Ewangelistów 2 copie
St. Augustine: Holy virginity 2 copie
St. Augustine 2 copie
De magistro 2 copie
De catechizandis rudibus 2 copie
Augustine day by day: Minute meditations for every day taken from the writings of Saint Augustine 2 copie
An Augustine synthesis 2 copie
Faith, hope and charity 2 copie
Patrística - A Graça (II) - Vol. 13: A graça e a liberdade | A correção fraterna | A… (2014) 2 copie
A cidade de deus V1 2 copie
The Complete Works of St. Augustine: Cross-linked to the Bible and with in-line footnotes (2019) 2 copie
Patrística - Contra os Acadêmicos | A Ordem | A grandeza da Alma | O Mestre - Vol. 24 (Portuguese Edition) (2014) 2 copie
Mestre, O - Dialogo Entre Pai E Filho Sobre A Linguagem E A Descoberta Da Verdade Interior (2010) 2 copie
O livre arbitrio 2 copie
Dialogues philosophiques 2 copie
A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (First Series, Volume III - St. Augustine on the Holy… (1971) 2 copie
Homilies on the Gospel according to St. John, and His First Epistle. Volume 1, Hom. I-XLIII, S. John I-VIII (2010) 2 copie, 1 recensione
E. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi De Civitate Dei Libri XXII. Tomus 1. Continet Libb. I-XIII (1825) 2 copie
Leaves from St. Augustine 2 copie
Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament, vol.II: S.John, Acts, Romans, I Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians,… 2 copie, 1 recensione
The works of Aurelius Augustine 2 copie
Problèmes moraux 2 copie
℗13.1: ℗Polemica con i manichei: I costumi della Chiesa cattolica e i costumi dei manichei, Le due anime, Disputa… (1997) 2 copie
Patristica - a Simpliciano - Replica a Carta de Parmeniano - Volume 41 (Em Portugues do Brasil) (2019) 2 copie
Confessions: Books I-VIII 2 copie
Patrística - Comentários a São João I - Evangelho - Homilias 1-49 - Vol. 47/1 (Portuguese Edition) 2 copie
The City of God (De Civitate Dei). Volume One 1 I only of Two 2 II. (Dent Everyman's Library) (1950) 2 copie
On the Sublime [Longinus]; on Nature and Grace; on Grace and Free Will [St. Augustine]; the Existence and Simplicity of… (1957) 2 copie
Obras y textos monásticos : El trabajo de los monjes ; La santa virginidad ; Sermones (2009) 2 copie
The City of God Volume 1 2 copie
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXXIX Escritos varios (1º). La inmortalidad del alma. La música. La fe y el Símbolo… (1988) 2 copie
On Taming the Tongue; On Life's Pilgrimage; The Holy Eucharist; Christ: The Glory of Martyrs; On the Beatitudes (1962) 2 copie
Polemica con i donatisti : testo latino dell'edizione maurina confrontato con il Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum… (1999) 2 copie
Saint Augustin maitre de la vie spirituelle, ou, Formation du chrétien ...: extrait de ses ouvrages et… (2010) 2 copie
Quaestiones in bibliam 1 copia
St. Augustine's City of God 1 copia
Opus contra Faustium Manichaeum 1 copia
Secundus tomus operum divi Aurelii Augustini episcopi Hipponensis, complectens illius epistolas 1 copia
Der gültige Gottesstaat 1 copia
Quartus tomus operum divi Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi complectens reliqua tōn didaktikōn 1 copia
Lettera a Proba 1 copia
Three anti-Pelagian Treatises of S. Augustine: Viz De spiritu et littera, de natura et gratia and De gestis Pelagii (1887) 1 copia
Five Spiritual Classics 1 copia
In Heptateuchem 1 copia
La Ciudad de Dios, Tomo I 1 copia
О Троице, часть 2 1 copia
The Teacher; The True Religion 1 copia
Obras de San Agustin Tomo IV 1 copia
La Ciudad de Dios, Tomo II 1 copia
The Contemplation of Christ 1 copia
Christian instruction. 1 copia
Ljubi in delaj kar hočeš 1 copia
The trinity =: (De trinitate) 1 copia
De doctrina Christiana, libri IV 1 copia
De vera religione : liber unus 1 copia
О Троице, часть 1 1 copia
Epistolae 1 copia
De civitate dei contra paganos 1 copia
Pagine di S. Agostino 1 copia
Sermo 117. Testo latino a fronte 1 copia
Il n'y a qu'un amour : Extraits (Foi vivante) commentaire de la première épître de S. Jean (1975) 1 copia
Soliloques-Manuel 1 copia
In novum testamentum 1 copia
Obras de San Agustin 1 copia
Cidade de Deus 1 copia
The Confessions Book 3 1 copia
Izpovedi 1 copia
Epitome omnium operum 1 copia
Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos: 95: Obras de San Augustin en edicion bibingüe: Tomo X: Homilias 1 copia
The Saint Augustine Life Guide 1 copia
Cyffesion Awstin Sant. Cyfieithiad o'r Lladin gwreiddiol gan Awstin Maximilian Thomas (1973) 1 copia
De civitate dei libri XXII 1 copia
Obras de San Agustín Tomo II 1 copia
The City of God Abridged Part 1 1 copia
El sermón de la montaña 1 copia
Meditations 1 copia
Prolegomena 1 copia
Continence 1 copia
上帝之城(上冊) 1 copia
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament: Vol. 1.S. Matthew. S. Mark. S. Luke 1875 [Hardcover] (2015) 1 copia
Las veladas 1 copia
Ancient Christian Writers 1 copia
Exposition of the Book of Psalms 1 copia
上帝之城(中冊) 1 copia
Sermons for Christmas 1 copia
Confessions : I 1 copia
The Enchiridion 1 copia
City of God: Books VIII-XVI 1 copia
Confessions of St. Augusine 1 copia
Believing and Knowing God 1 copia
Państwo Boże 1 copia
Les Commentaires Des Psaumes. PS 118, Sermons 1-14: Enarrationes in Psalmos. PS 118, Sermones 1-14 (Bibliotheque… (2016) 1 copia
Political Writings of Augustine (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought) (2005) 1 copia
The Fathers of the Church :Saint Augustine City of God — Autore — 1 copia
Fathers of the Church: Writings of St. Augustine — Autore — 1 copia
上帝之城(下冊) 1 copia
S. Aureli Augustini Hipponiensis Episcopi de Doctrina Christiana, Liber IV: A Commentary, with a Revised Text,… (1930) 1 copia
Hipponiensis Episcopi Epistulae. Recensvit et Commentario Critico Instruxit Al. Goldbacher. Pars I (1). Praefatio. Ep.… (1895) 1 copia
Catequitzar amb alegria 1 copia
Os pensadores: Sto. Agostinho 1 copia
A cidade de Deus Vol. II 1 copia
A cidade de Deus Vol. III 1 copia
Exposición sobre el LIBRO DE LOS SALMOS Tomo II (Sal. 60-102): Ivory Falls Books (Spanish Edition) (2017) 1 copia
Obras completas de San Agustn: Escritos antipelagianos (4) rplica a Juliano (obra inacabada) 1 copia
Los procesos de Jos Antonio 1 copia
Obras de San Agustín, en Edición Bilingue, Introduccion General, Sobre La Doctrina Cristiana 1 copia
Les Traités de St. Augustin sur l'Evangile de St Jean, et son épitre aux Parthes, Tomes I, III, IV 1 copia
Corpus Augustinianum Gissense 1 copia
Il maestro interiore 1 copia
Lobpreis und Anbetung 1 copia
Obras de San Agustín (Tomo I). 1 copia
Saint Augustin Maitre de la Vie Spirituelle, Vol. 1: Ou Formation Du Chretien Par Le Pieux Et Salutaires Enseignements… (2017) 1 copia
Saint Augustine: Letters, Volume III (131-164) [The Fathers of the Church, Volume 20] (1965) 1 copia
Servir a los pobres con alegría 1 copia
Obras completas de San Agustin: Escritos antipelagianos (4) replica a Juliano (obra inacabada) 1 copia
Soliloqui 1 copia
Levende Woorden van Augustinus 1 copia
Oeuvres de Saint Augustin : texte de l'édition bénédictine, introduction, traduction et notes 1 copia
Als je hart bidt 1 copia
Het ware geloof 1 copia
Ooit een land van kloosters 1 copia
Augustinus 1 copia
Bekenntnisse. Übersetzt von Joseph Bernhart. Nachwort und Anmerkungen von Hans Urs Von Balthasar. 1 copia
Confissões de um Pecador 1 copia
Augustinus over kerk en staat 1 copia
Pengakuan pengakuan Agustinus 1 copia
De civitate Dei libri XIV-XXII 1 copia
OBRAS DE SAN AGUSTÍN, EN EDICION BILINGÜE, VIII: CARTAS (1.°). Translation & introduction by Lope Cilleruelo. (1967) 1 copia
De Doctrina Christiana Libri Quatuor, S. Aur. Augustini (On Christian Doctrine, Book Four, in Latin) (1927) 1 copia
Fontes Christiani, 1. Folge, 21 Bde. in 38 Tl.-Bdn., Ln, Bd.9, Über den Nutzen des Glaubens (1992) 1 copia
S. Aureli Augustini Confessionum, Libri Tredecim — Autore — 1 copia
St. Augustine, a biographical sketch, compiled from the saint's own writings with explanatory notes 1 copia
Divi Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi et doctoris præcipui Opera. Tomis decem comprehensa 1 copia
Brev till Proba om bönen 1 copia
Little Book of Contemplation 1 copia
Dialogi i pisma filozoficzne 1 copia
شرح الموعظة على الجبل 1 copia
The City of God 1 copia
Przeciw Faustusowi T1-2 1 copia
Solilocvii 1 copia
Despre adevarata religie 1 copia
Letters 156-210 (Vol. II/3) (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) 1 copia
Christian classics 1 copia
Obras completas de San Agustín XXIV Sermones (4º) 184-272. Sobre los tiempos litúrgicos (2005) 1 copia
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXIII Sermones (3º) 117-183. Sobre el Evangelio de San Juan, Hechos de los Apóstoles… (2015) 1 copia
The Trinity 1 copia
Confessions 1 copia
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXXII Escritos antidonatistas (1.º). Salmo contra la secta de Donato. Réplica a la… (1988) 1 copia
O Boží obci : knih XXII 1 copia
Saint Augustine: De Beata Vita (Happiness), De Immortalitate Animae (Immortality of the Soul) 1 copia
Vyznání svatého Augustina 1 copia
Sermons 94A-147A 1 copia
Augustins filosofiske dialoger 1 copia
Sermons pour la Pâque 1 copia
Sermons 148-183 1 copia
Oeuvres complètes 1 copia
La Cité de Dieu, t. 1 1 copia
La Cité de Dieu, t. 2 1 copia
The city of God 1 copia
Confessions. Livres 1-8. Texte établi et traduit par Pierre de Labriolle,... Tome 1. 4e édition... 1 copia
The Usefulness of Fasting 1 copia
Civitate Dei ; libri XXIL 1 copia
Traité de la vie heureuse 1 copia
Rehoľné pravidlá sv. Augustína 1 copia
Isten városáról 1 copia
Sermones Ad Hermitas 1 copia
Om den kristne taler 1 copia
Mélanges doctrinaux 1 copia
Le Magistère chrétien 1 copia
Classics of the Christian Faith: The Complete Audio Collection: Augustine―The Conversion of St. Augustine,… (2016) 1 copia
The City of God Against the Pagans, Vol. 7, Books 21-22 (Loeb Classical Library, No. 417) (Volume VII) by Saint… (1746) 1 copia
Manuel de saint Augustin ou mémoial de la contemplation du Christ: c'est-à-dire du Verbe de Dieu… 1 copia
Christian Doctrine 1 copia
The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Volume V: St. Augustine Anti-Pelagian Writings 1 copia
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Episcopi de civitate Dei libri XXII / tertium recognovit B. Dombart = De civitate Dei. 1 copia, 1 recensione
The Rule of Saint Augustine; commentary by Blessed Alphonsus Orozco. Trans. by Thomas A. Hand 1 copia
Of the Good of Marriage 1 copia
Continence 1 copia
Revisions 1 copia
Gesta conlationis Carthaginiensis anno 411; Sancti Augustini Breuiculus conlationis cum Donatistis (1974) 1 copia
Saint Augustine: Tractates on the Gospel of John, 112?24; Tractates on the First Epistle of John 1 copia
Homilias 1 copia
La ciudad de Dios. Libros VIII-XV (Biblioteca Clásica Gredos nº 405) (Spanish Edition) (2016) 1 copia
Sermons 1 copia
El bien del matrimonio 1 copia
Enchiridion theologicum Sancti Augustini quod paravit et notis auxit Franciscus Moriones, O.R.S.A 1 copia
The Works Of Aurelius Augustine, Bishop Of Hippo: The Letters Of Saint Augustine V1 (1872) (2007) 1 copia
Augustine : an introduction 1 copia
Early writings 1 copia
An Augustine synthesis / arranged by Erich Przywara; introduction by C. C. Martindale (1945) 1 copia
Anti-Pelagian Works 1 copia
Works of Augustine of Hippo 1 copia
D. Aurelii Augustini ... libri tredecim confessionum ... emendati, opera ac studio H. Sommalii 1 copia
Augustine on Prayer 1 copia
The City Of God : Vol. XX 1 copia
Saint Augustine : Letters Volume 2 (83-130) The Fathers of the Church. A New Translation Volume 18 (1953) 1 copia
Articles 1 copia
St. Augustine's Confessions 1 copia
La cittdi Dio 1 copia
La citta di Dio. Vol. II 1 copia
Clero e vita in comune 1 copia
Per conoscere sant'Agostino 1 copia
De vita christiana libri 7. 1 copia
Das Antlitz der Kirche 1 copia
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi ... Opera Omnia Post Lovaniensium Theologorum Recensionem Castigata:… (2012) 1 copia
Obras De San Agustin En Edicion Bilingue Tomo V (Tratado sobre la Santisima Trinidad) (1948) 1 copia
The City of God 2 Volume Set 1 copia
Enchiridion ad Laurentium ; de fide et spe et caritate (in Aurelii Augustini Opera Pars XIII, 2) 1 copia
Augustine De doctrina Christiana 1 copia
Letters : Volume 1 (1-82) 1 copia
Collectanea sententiarum 1 copia
Signore, Dio di verità : preghiere di S. Agostino = [Lord, God of truth: the prayers of S. Augustine] (1989) 1 copia
Letters : Volume 6 (1*-29*) 1 copia
The city of God (volume 2 of 2) 1 copia
The Retractations 1 copia
Confessiones!. Confessions 1 copia
This is Your Life 1 copia
Letters : Volume 5 (204-270) 1 copia
Letters : Volume 4 (165-203) 1 copia
EXPOSITIONS ON THE BOOK OF PSALMS VOL. II - PSALM XXXVII.-LII. Translated with Notes and Indices (1848) 1 copia
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, Vol. 1 of 6: Translated, With Notes and Indices (Classic Reprint) (2017) 1 copia
De Sancta Virginitate liber unus 1 copia
De arte praedicandi 1 copia
Augustins Enchiridion 1 copia
Concerning the teacher (De magistro) : and On the immortality of the soul (De immortalitate animae) 1 copia
Like as the hart 1 copia
Augustinus' confessiones 1 copia
La dottrina cristiana 1 copia
Diálogo sobre o livre-arbítrio 1 copia
[De Genesi ad litteram. Latin and French] La Genèse au sens littéral en douze livres (VIII-XII) 1 copia
Patrística: A natureza do bem / O castigo e o perdão dos pecados e o batismo das crianças - Volume… (2019) 1 copia
A natureza do bem 1 copia
Patrística - O Sermão da Montanha e Escritos Sobre a Fé - Vol. 36 (Portuguese Edition) (2017) 1 copia
Patrística - Dos Bens do Matrimônio | A Santa Virgindade | Dos bens da viuvez: Cartas a Proba e a Juliana… (2014) 1 copia
A Cidade de Deus - Volume III 1 copia
Obras de San Augustin XIV 1 copia
[De Genesi ad litteram. Latin and French] La Genèse au sens littéral en douze livres (I-VII) 1 copia
La crise pélagienne I. 1 copia
Six traités anti-manichéens. 1 copia
Mélanges doctrinaux. 1 copia
La foi chrétienne. 1 copia
L'ascétisme chrétien. 1 copia
Traités anti-donatistes I. 1 copia
St. Augustin: Homilies on the Gospel of John, Homilies on the first epistle of John, Soliloquies. 1 copia
Traités anti-donatistes II. 1 copia
[De civitate Dei. Latin and French] La cité de Dieu : livres 19-22: triomphe de la cité céleste 1 copia
[De civitate Dei. Latin and French] La cité de Dieu : livres 11-14: formation des deux cités 1 copia
[De civitate Dei. Latin and French] La cité de Dieu : livres 1-5: impuissance sociale du paganisme 1 copia
Locuzioni e Questioni sull'Ettateuco : testo latino dell'edizione maurina confrontato con il Corpus Christianorum e con… (1997) 1 copia
Traités anti-donatistes III. 1 copia
Traités anti-donatistes V. 1 copia
Traités anti-donatistes IV. 1 copia
Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos: 187: Obras de San Agustin en edicion bibingüe: Tomo XVIII (último) 1 copia
La giustizia 1 copia
La natura del bene 1 copia
Conoscere e amare 1 copia
Esistenza e persona 1 copia
Ama e fà ciò che vuoi 1 copia
La natura del bene 1 copia
La cura e il culto dei morti 1 copia
Confesiones de San Agustín 1 copia
Enarrationes in Psalmos (1) 1 copia
Dels acadèmics, vol. I 1 copia
Dels Acadèmics I 1 copia
La conversione : vol. 17 della collana Classici Compact Filosofia Antica per spiriti moderni 1 copia
Dialoghi con se stesso : vol.13 della Collana Classici Compact Filosofia Antica per Spiriti Moderni 1 copia
Pagine autobiografiche 1 copia
Textos de Hermenêutica Livro 1 1 copia
Da Grandeza da Alma 1 copia
O Sermão da Montanha, acompanha a biografia de Santo Agostinho - Coleção Minha Biblioteca Católica 1 copia
As Confissões de Santo Agostinho 1 copia
Confessioni - Volume 2 1 copia
Confessioni - Volume 1 1 copia
Contra Faustum Manichaeum 1 copia
La dignita del matrimonio 1 copia
Antologia 1 copia
Augustin: Homilies on the Gospel of John, Homilies on the First Epistle of John, Soliloquies 1 copia
Augustine : earlier writings 1 copia
De Trinitate 1 copia
L417-City of God VII 2 1 copia
Obras de San Agustin en Edicion Bilingue, Tomo XIII: Tratados Sobre el Evangelio de San Juan (1-35) 1 copia
Oras de San Agustín, 11 Cartas 1 copia
Meditaciones; Soliloquios 1 copia
La ciudad de dios II 1 copia
La ciudad de dios I 1 copia
San Agustinen Gogoetak 1 copia
Obras de San Agustin: Homilias 1 copia
Obras de san Agustin Tomo II 1 copia
La cité de Dieu 1 1 copia
Sur le mensonge - Du maître: Le menteur aime à mentir et goûte le plaisir de le faire (2019) 1 copia
La cité de Dieu 3 1 copia
Oeuvres II 1 copia
L417-City of God VII 1 copia
La risposta 1 copia
Ascoltami 1 copia
D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi Liber De Hæresibus Ad Quod-vult-deum,: Una Cum Gennadii Massiliensis… (2018) 1 copia
The Confessions of St. Augustine 1 copia
الثالوث 1 copia
New Testament I & II (The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) by Kim Paffenroth (Translators)… (1656) 1 copia
Saint Augustine's Autobiography 1 copia
Les soliloques, le manuel et les méditations de Saint Augustin: Traduction nouvelle, revue… (1999) 1 copia
Bibliothèque Augustinienne : Oeuvres de St Augustin / 1ére série, 7, IV, Opuscules. Dialogues… 1 copia
Natura e grazia (vol.1) 1 copia
The Confessions; The Teacher 1 copia
Grazie e libertà 1 copia
Polemica con Giuliano 1 copia
Polemica con Giuliano (vol.1) 1 copia
La dottrina cristiana 1 copia
Matrimonio e verginità 1 copia
La vera religione 1 copia
Dialoghi (vol. III/2) 1 copia
I classici del pensiero libero [Corriere della sera]: Sant'Agostino. Le confessioni di un peccatore 1 copia
Confessioni 1 copia
Commento al Salmi 1 copia
Anti-Pelagian Writings 1 copia
Como Catequizar os Rudes 1 copia
O livre Arbitrio. Livro 3 1 copia
Escritos Monásticos 1 copia
Confissões - De Magistro 1 copia
Sul Sacerdozio 1 copia
Obras de San Agustin. XVIII Exposición de las Epístolas a los Romanos y los Gálatas. ïndices 1 copia
Obras completas de San Agustín. XIV: Tratados sobre el Evangelio de San Juan (2.ª): 36-124 (2009) 1 copia
Tratados 1 copia
Sobre la felicidad 1 copia
Confesiones II 1 copia
Confesiones - Libros (I al V) 1 copia
Obras completas de San Agustín. XVII: Escritos apologéticos (3.º): La ciudad de Dios (2.º)… (2007) 1 copia
Enarraciones: I-IV 1 copia
Obras completas de San Agustín. XXIV Sermones (4) 184-272-B Sermones sobre los tiempos litúrgicos 1 copia
Confesiones I 1 copia
4: Agostino di Ippona 1 copia
Confessioni: passi scelti 1 copia
La dignità del Matrimonio 1 copia
Mia Madre 1 copia
Esposizioni sui salmi. 3 1 copia
Esposizione sui Salmi 1 copia
Antologia Pedagogica 1 copia
Digital Art Flooring 1 copia
Il maestro interiore : Testi scelti, introduzione e commenti a cura di padre Agostino Trapè (1987) 1 copia, 1 recensione
Dalle " Confessioni" 1 copia
Città di Dio e libero arbitrio: 1 copia
La grazia e il libero arbitrio 1 copia
Se mi ami non piangere 1 copia
Le mie confessioni 1 copia
Mese di maggio con sant'Agostino 1 copia
21: Le lettere 1. (1-123) 1 copia
I soliloqui 1 copia
Vom Gottesstaat. 2 1 copia
Vom Gottesstaat. 1 1 copia
Opera : zweisprachige Ausgaben Band 57, Teil 1 Genesis - Exodus, Quaestiones in Heptateuchum (2018) 1 copia
Brood om van te leven 1 copia
Divi Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi De civitate Dei libri XXII in quinque partes divisi 1 copia
Bibliothèques Augustinienne - Oeuvres de Saint Augustin. 59A. 8. série, Les commentaires des psaumes, Les… (2017) 1 copia
Itinerario spirituale 1 copia
La citta di Dio II 1 copia
Leven in hoop : Preken over teksten uit de brieven aan de christenen in Rome en Korinte (2011) 1 copia
A lélek beszélgetése Istennel 1 copia
Państwo Boże tom II 1 copia
The City of God. Books 9-16 1 copia
The City of God. Books 8-15 1 copia
In antwoord op uw vragen : Augustinus' brieven aan Januarius = Ad inquisitiones Ianuarii libri duo (= Epistulae 54-55) (2009) 1 copia
Państwo Boże tom I 1 copia
La citta di Dio. Vol III. 1 copia
(Libri X-XI) 1 copia
Bij het zestiende eeuwfeest van Augustinus' bekering Veel te laat heb ik jou liefgekregen : leven en werk van… (1986) 1 copia
D. Aur. Augustini, Hipponensis Episcopi, Meditationes, Soliloquia Et Manuale: Cum Vita Et Effigie S. Auctoris (Latin… (2012) 1 copia
La citta di Dio I 1 copia
On The Merits And Forgiveness Of Sins, And On The Baptism Of Infants (With Active Table of Contents) 1 copia
On Holy Virginity 1 copia
On the Works of Monks 1 copia
On the Morals of the Manichaeans 1 copia
On the Proceedings of Pelagius 1 copia
Geloof is het begin : Preken over teksten uit brieven van het Nieuwe Testament [Sermones de scriptoria 162C-183] (2013) 1 copia
On Continence (De continentia) 1 copia
The Confessions with linked TOC 1 copia
On The Apostles' Creed 1 copia
The Confessions of Saint Augustine and prayers: Confessions is the name of an autobiographical work, consisting of 13… (2013) 1 copia
St. Augustine on St. John: Commentaries, Homilies and Sermons on St. John's Gospel and First Epistle (2011) 1 copia
Augustinus von Hippo : Predigten zu den Bhern Exodus, Kige und Job (Sermones 6-12) ; Einleitung, Text, ersetzung und… (2003) 1 copia
(The Confessions: Saint Augustine of Hippo (Ignatius Critical Editions)) [By: x] [Aug, 2012] 1 copia
Graça e Livre-Arbítrio 1 copia
Comentário ao Gênesis 1 copia
Vom Gottesstaat : [in 2 Bdn.] 1 copia
Die freie Wille 1 copia
Als een wachtwoord vier preken over christelijke geloofsbelijdenissen [Sermones 212-215] (2022) 1 copia
Esposizioni sui salmi. 1 1 copia
Uren met Augustinus 1 copia
Bekännelser. D. 1 1 copia
Die Bekenntnisse 1 copia
Bekenntnisse 1 copia
Opere correlate
The Canterbury Tales [Norton Critical Edition, 2nd ed.] (2005) — Collaboratore — 638 copie, 5 recensioni
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus: Experiencing the Peace and Promise of Christmas (2008) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni; Collaboratore, alcune edizioni — 456 copie, 1 recensione
Philosophy in the Middle Ages: The Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Traditions (1983) — Collaboratore — 452 copie, 2 recensioni
Philosophies of Art and Beauty: Selected Readings in Aesthetics from Plato to Heidegger (1976) — Collaboratore — 354 copie, 2 recensioni
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter (2009) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni; Collaboratore, alcune edizioni — 343 copie, 4 recensioni
The Philosopher's Handbook: Essential Readings from Plato to Kant (2000) — Collaboratore — 209 copie, 1 recensione
The Company of Preachers: Wisdom on Preaching, Augustine to the Present (2002) — Collaboratore — 184 copie, 2 recensioni
The Trials of Theology: Becoming a 'Proven Worker' in a Dangerous Business (2010) — Collaboratore — 180 copie, 2 recensioni
The Liturgy of the Hours According to the Roman Rite (Volume I Advent Season and Christmas Season) (1974) — Collaboratore — 126 copie, 2 recensioni
The Liturgy of the Hours According to the Roman Rite (Volume II Lenten Season and Easter Season) (1974) — Collaboratore — 97 copie
The Liturgy of the Hours According to the Roman Rite (Volume III: The Weeks of the Year 6 - 34) (1974) — Collaboratore — 68 copie
Readings and Exercises in Latin Prose Composition: From Antiquity to the Renaissance (2005) — Collaboratore — 46 copie
Grolier Classics: Crime and Punishment, Diary of Samuel Pepys, Confessions of Saint Augustine, Paradise Lost (1955) 26 copie
Witness of the Saints: Patristic Readings in the Liturgy of the Hours (2012) — Collaboratore — 24 copie, 1 recensione
Toer en tsjerke : (samle stikken út 'e jierren 1920-1929) — Collaboratore — 1 copia
Informazioni generali
- Nome canonico
- Sant'Agostino
- Nome legale
- Hipponensis, Aurelius Augustinus
- Altri nomi
- Augustinus
Augustinus, Aurelius
Augustine of Hippo
Szent Ágoston - Data di nascita
- 354-11-13
- Data di morte
- 430-08-28
- Luogo di sepoltura
- San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, Pavia, Italy
- Sesso
- male
- Nazionalità
- Roman Empire
- Nazione (per mappa)
- Algeria
- Luogo di nascita
- Thagaste, Numidia, Roman Empire [now Souk Ahras, Algeria]
- Luogo di morte
- Hippo Regius, Numidia, Roman Empire
- Luogo di residenza
- Hippo Regius, Numidia, Roman Empire
- Attività lavorative
- theologian
rhetoric professor - Organizzazioni
- Roman Catholic Church (ordained 391)
- Premi e riconoscimenti
- Doctor of the Church (1298)
- Breve biografia
- Augustine of Hippo (Latin: Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis; 13 November 354 – 28 August 430), also known as Saint Augustine or Saint Austin, was an early Christian theologian whose writings were very influential in the development of Western Christianity and Western philosophy. He was bishop of Hippo Regius (present-day Annaba, Algeria) located in the Roman province of Africa. Writing during the Patristic Era, he is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers in the West. Among his most important works are City of God and Confessions, which continue to be read widely today.
What's the role of reason in Faith? in Faith and Reason (Aprile 2017)
Africa (1)
Art of Reading (1)
Leseliste (1)
1970s (1)
Out of Copyright (1)
Favourite Books (1)
readingList (1)
Tom's Bookstore (1)
Folio Society (1)
Western Canon (3)
Unread books (1)
Five star books (1)
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Premi e riconoscimenti
Potrebbero anche piacerti
Autori correlati
- Opere
- 1,850
- Opere correlate
- 29
- Utenti
- 51,706
- Popolarità
- #294
- Voto
- 3.9
- Recensioni
- 329
- 2,108
- Lingue
- 32
- Preferito da
- 87
Incantevole il modo in cui, con degli astutissimi giochi di parole, si rigirino tutti i tipi di frittate.
Ero curiosa, avrebbe potuto essere anche un buon sinceramente regalare un testo dove ci si impone obbligatoriamente..non è proprio il massimo.
Chi lo scrive sembra l'essere perfetto che ogni tanto ammette la sua imperfezione - con molta malizia - e che però può sempre consigliare gli altri su cosa fare o non fare.
Moolto contraddittorio.… (altro)