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Tom Archer

Autore di Inside C#, Second Edition

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Tom Archer is a veteran developer with more than 15 years of experience. Many programmers will know him from his tutorials and advice on the popular developers resource, where Tom provides answers to development questions from around the world. In addition, Tom has helped create mostra altro several successful software products including Peachtree Office Accounting and the IBM/World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia. mostra meno

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Indeholder "Foreword", "Introduction", "Part 1. C# Class Fundamentals", "1. Building C# Applications and Libraries", " "Hello, World" - The Command-Line Version", " Using the Command-Line Compiler", " "Hello, World" Code Walk-Through", " One-Stop Programming", " Namespaces", " Classes and Members", " The Main Method", " The System.Console.WriteLine Method", " Namespaces and the using Directive", " Skeleton Code", " Class Ambiguity", " "Hello, World" - The Visual Studio .NET Version", " Building and Running .NET Applications", " Inside "Hello, World"", " Working with Assemblies and Modules", " Assembly Overview", " Benefits of Assemblies", " Building Assemblies", " Creating Shared Assemblies", " Working with the Global Assembly Cache", " Summary", "2. The .NET Type System", " Everything Is an Object", " The Root of All Types: System.Object", " Value Types and Reference Types", " Value Types", " Reference Types", " Boxing and Unboxing", " Converting from Value Types to Reference Types", " Converting from Reference Types to Value Types", " More Boxing Examples", " Types and Aliases", " Casting Between Types", " CTS Benefits", " Language Interoperability", " Singly Rooted Object Hierarchy", " Type Safety", " Summary", "3. Classes and Structs", " Defining Classes", " Class Members", " Access Modifiers", " The Main Method", " Command-Line Arguments", " Returning Values from Main", " Multiple Main Methods", " Constructors", " Static Members and Instance Members", " Constructor Initializers", " Specifying Run-Time Information in a Constructor Initializer", " Constants vs. Read-Only Fields", " Constants", " Read-Only Fields", " Inheritance", " Multiple Interfaces", " Sealed Classes", " Defining Structs in C#", " Struct Usage", " Guidelines to Using Structs", " Summary", "4. Methods", " Value and Reference Parameters", " ref Method Parameters", " out Method Parameters", " Value and Reference Parameters (Again)", " Method Overloading", " Overloading Constructors", " Inheritance and Overloading", " Variable Method Parameters", " Virtual Methods", " Method Overriding", " Polymorphism", " new and virtual Methods", " Calling Virtual Methods from Constructors", " Static Methods", " Access to Class Members", " Static Constructors", " Summary", "5. Properties, Arrays, and Indexers", " Properties as Smart Fields", " Defining and Using Properties", " Inside Properties", " Inheriting Properties", " Advanced Use of Properties", " Arrays", " Declaring Arrays", " Single-Dimensional Array Example", " Multidimensional Arrays", " Querying for Rank", " Jagged Arrays", " Treating Objects Like Arrays by Using Indexers", " Defining Indexers", " Indexer Example", " Inside Indexers", " Design Guidelines", " Summary", "6. Attributes", " Introducing Attributes", " Defining Attributes", " Querying for Attributes", " Class Attributes", " Method Attributes", " Field Attributes", " Attribute Parameters", " Positional Parameters and Named Parameters", " Common Mistakes with Named Parameters", " Valid Attribute Parameter Types", " The AttributeUsage Attribute", " Defining an Attribute Target", " Single-Use and Multiuse Attributes", " Specifying Inheritance Attribute Rules", " Attribute Identifiers", " Predefined Attributes", " Conditional Attribute", " Obsolete Attribute", " CLSCompliant Attribute", " DllImport and StructLayout Attributes", " Assembly Attributes", " Context Attributes", " Summary", "7. Interfaces", " Interface Use", " Declaring Interfaces", " Implementing Interfaces", " Querying for Implementation by Using is", " Querying for Implementation by Using as", " Interfaces vs. the Alternatives", " Explicit Interface Member Name Qualification", " Name Hiding with Interfaces", " Avoiding Name Ambiguity", " Interfaces and Inheritance", " Combining Interfaces", " Summary", "Part II. Writing Code", "8. Expressions and Operators", " Operators Defined", " Operator Precedence", " How C# Determines Precedence", " Left and Right Associativity", " Practical Usage", " C# Operators", " Primary Expression Operators", " Mathematical Operators", " Numeric Conversions", " checked and unchecked Context", " Bitwise Operators", " Relational Operators", " Simple Assignment Operators", " The Conditional Operator", " Summary", "9. Program Flow Control", " Selection Statements", " The if Statement", " The switch Statement", " Iteration Statements", " The while Statement", " The do/while Statement", " The for Statement", " The foreach Statement", " Branching with Jump Statements", " The break Statement", " The continue Statement", " The Infamous goto Statement", " The return Statement", " Summary", "10. String Handling and Regular Expressions", " Strings", " String Formatting", " Format Specifiers", " Objects and ToString", " Numeric String Parsing", " Strings and DateTime", " Encoding Strings", " The StringBuilder Class", " Splitting Strings", " Extending Strings", " String Interning", " Regular Expressions", " Match and MatchCollection", " Groups and Captures", " String-Modifying Expressions", " Regular Expression Options", " Compiling Regular Expressions", " Summary", "11. File I/O with Streams", " Stream Classes", " FileStream", " StreamReader and StreamWriter", " Memory and Buffered Streams", " String Readers and Writers", " Binary Readers and Writers", " File System Classes", " Directory and DirectoryInfo", " File and FileInfo", " Parsing Paths", " Nonconsole Use of Streams", " Windows OpenFileDialog", " Reading Web Pages", " Serialization", " Serializing with BinaryFormatter", " Serializing with SoapFormatter", " Serializing with XmlSerializer", " Implementing Iserializable", " Summary", "12. Error Handling with Exceptions", " Overview of Exception Handling", " Basic Exception-Handling Syntax", " Throwing an Exception", " Catching an Exception", " Rethrowing an Exception", " Cleaning Up with finally", " Retrying Code", " Comparing Error-Handling Techniques", " Benefits of Exception Handling Over Return Codes", " Handling Errors in the Correct Context", " Improving Code Readability", " Throwing Exceptions from Constructors", " Using the System.Exception Class", " Constructing an Exception Object", " Using the StackTrace Property", " Catching Multiple Exception Types", " Deriving Your Own Exception Classes", " Designing Your Code with Exception Handling", " Design Issues with the try Block", " Design Issues with the catch Block", " Summary", "13. Operator Overloading and User-Defined Conversions", " Operator Overloading", " Operator Overloading Syntax", " Operator Overloading Rules and Restrictions", " Operator Overloading Examples", " RGB Color Incrementing Example", " Operator Overloading Design Guidelines", " User-Defined Conversions", " User-Defined Conversion Syntax", " User-Defined Conversion Rules and Restrictions", " User-Defined Conversion Examples", " Summary", "14. Delegates and Event Handlers", " Using Delegates as Callback Methods", " Inside Delegates", " Defining Delegates as Static Members", " Creating Delegates Only When Needed", " Multicast Delegates", " Multicast Delegate Justification", " Defining Events with Multicast Delegates", " Summary", "15. Documentation with XML", " Getting Started", " Adding Elements", " Acceptable Code Constructs", " Compiler-Generated Element IDs", " Fields, Properties, Events, and Indexers", " Methods", " Well-Formed XML", " Comment Web Pages", " Element Tags and Attributes", " The <exception> Tag and cref Attribute", " The <c>, <code>, and <example> Tags", " The <include> Tag", " The <list> Tag", " Custom Formatting", " XML and Data", " Summary", "Part III. Advanced C#", "16. Numerical Processing and the Math Class", " Numeric Support in C# and .NET", " Is the Decimal Type a Primitive?", " Numeric Suffixes", " A Numeric Type by Any Other Name.", " More on Numeric Literals", " Integral Ranges and Overflow Rules", " The Decimal Type", " The System.Math Class", " System.Math Constants", " Working with a Number's Sign", " Minimum and Maximum Values", " Methods for Rounding and Truncating", " Summary", "17. Collections and Object Enumeration", " Implementing the Enumeration Interface", " Using an Enumerator Object", " Using the foreach Statement with Collections", " Two Interfaces for the Price of One", " Constructing Enumerator Objects", " Creating Versioned Enumerators", " Combining IEnumerable and IEnumerator", " Protecting Data While Allowing Enumeration", " Value Types", " Performance Issues", " Modified Collected Value Types", " Summary", "18. Multithreading and Asynchronous Programming", " Getting Started with Threads", " Basic Thread-Handling Chores", " Creating Threads and Thread Objects", " Managing Thread Lifetimes", " Destroying Threads", " Scheduling Threads", " Communicating Data to a Thread", " Thread Safety and Synchronization", " Protecting Code by Using the Monitor Class", " Using Monitor Locks with the C# lock Statement", " Synchronizing Code by Using the Mutex Class", " Using Delegates to Call Asynchronous Methods", " Thread Safety and the .NET Classes", " Threading Guidelines", " When to Use Threads", " When Not to Use Threads", " Summary", "19. Querying Metadata with Reflection", " The Reflection API Hierarchy", " The Type Class", " Retrieving a Type Reference", " Retrieving the Type of an Instance", " Retrieving the Type from a Name", " Interrogating Types", " Working with Assemblies and Modules", " Iterating Through the Types of an Assembly", " Listing an Assembly's Modules", " Late Binding with Reflection", " Implementing an Abstract Factory with Reflection", " Dynamic Code Generation", " Summary", "20. Pinning and Memory Management", " Garbage Collection", " Overriding Finalize", " Overriding Finalize in Derived Classes", " Forcing Garbage Collection", " The Dispose Pattern", " Other GC Features", " The IDisposable Interface", " Derived Disposable Classes", " Protecting Against Double Disposal", " Language Support for Dispose", " Garbage Collector Generations", " Weak References", " Unsafe Code", " Using Pointers in C#", " Pinning", " Pinning Array Elements", " The Dereference Member Operator", " Using stackalloc", " Summary", "21. Using COM from C# Applications", " Where COM Fits in Today's .NET World", " Using COM Components from C#", " Creating an ATL Component", " Consuming a COM Component from a .NET Application", " Binding to and Using the COM Component", " Dynamic Type Discovery with COM Components", " Late Binding to COM Objects", " Event Handling", " How COM Connection Points Work", " Creating an ATL COM Component That Sources Events", " Event Handling Using Delegates", " Sinking Unmanaged COM Events in a .NET Application", " Using COM Collections", " Creating a COM Collection Component Using ATL", " Consuming COM Collections in a .NET Application", " Enumerating Elements in a .NET Collection", " Reusing COM Components in Managed Code", " Containment", " Aggregation", " Reuse Through Mixed-Mode Inheritance", " Reuse Through Mixed-Mode Containment", " A .NET View on COM Threading Models and Apartments", " Mapping Method Keywords to IDL Attributes", " Summary", "22. Using .NET Components in Unmanaged Code", " Creating and Using .NET Components via COM", " Generating a Typelib from the Assembly and Registering the Assembly", " Consuming the Component from a Visual Basic 6 Client", " Shedding More Light on the COM Interop Wizardry", " Snooping on the Generated Typelib", " Using Attributes to Tweak the Generated Typelib Metadata", " Altering the Interface Type", " Altering the GUID and the ProgID", " Hiding Public Types from Exposure to COM", " Altering the Marshaling Behavior for Types", " Exception Handling: .NET vs. COM", " Handling Events from .NET Components in Unmanaged Event Sinks", " Creating a .NET Component that Sources Events", " Handling Events in a Visual Basic Client Application", " Thread Affinity in .NET Components", " Thread-Neutral Behavior When Accessed by Unmanaged COM-Aware Clients", " Summary", "23. Security", " .NET Security", " Threats to Security", " Verifiable Type Safety", " Code Signing", " Private Assemblies", " Strong-Named Assemblies", " The Global Assembly Cache", " Delay-Signed Assemblies", " Cryptographic Services", " Code Access Security", " Evidence", " Security Policy", " Configuring Security", " CASpol", " Imperative and Declarative CAS", " Identity Permissions", " Assembly Permission Requests", " Role-Based Security", " PrincipalPermission Requests", " Impersonation", " Isolated Storage", " Summary", "A. MSIL Instruction Table", "Index".

Sjovt. Jeg har aldrig skrevet bare en enkelt linie kode i C#.
… (altro)
bnielsen | Dec 8, 2016 |

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